🕯Chapter Eighteen🕯

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The usual eerie silence that was accustomed to the smokey streets of Birmingham, was not what greeted everyone that night.No, instead it was the traumatized screams and cries of a broken female.

The screams, enough to wake everyone in Small Heath. One of the people, being Lilith Raleigh. The woman had sworn to the wives of the men of war, that she would do her damnedest to protect them. Her time to live up to that had come. She was happy to prove herself to the women. But by the screams that echoed through Small Heath. She had a feeling that what she would find would make her heart, break just a little bit more.

She lived at the end of the street, making things more difficult for her as she would have to leave her son, unaccompanied. She wouldn't be able to see her house, if she ventured too far, so she made sure that everything her son needed was in her bedroom. His own little bed, not too far from her own as he hated to part with his mother.

Once she had relocated all of her sons' items, onto the queen-sized bed, she silently knelt next to him. If he were to wake, it would just be for milk or his blanket that Aunt Pol had knitted him, which Lilith was genuinely surprised about. Both items were placed gently beside him.

With a tender kiss to his forehead, Lilith was in the bleak streets of Small Heath running towards the distraught screams that echoed through the crisp air.


The screams led her towards a dark, overcast alleyway. The only source of light being the moonlight, which peaked over the drab houses.

Throwing all caution into the wind, Lilith continued onwards, into the alleyway.

The sight made her hold back a scream of her own. Only her scream wasn't one of distraught. No, hers was one of pain and sorrow. Not for herself, but the young girl in front of her.

The girl, no older than fifteen, lay against the crumbling brick wall; breathing heavily. Her baby blue dress ripped and abandoned a few feet away from her. Thick red blood running down her thighs. Her hands were cut open as if she had fallen at some point in time. Gravel, from the ground, embedded into her dark-toned, once flawless, flesh. Her hair, that at one point had been fought into a neat bun atop her head, was now flowing in all directions. The only sounds being the girls breathing and the drips of blood hitting the concrete.

Unknown to Lilith, tears had begun to caress her cheeks as she slowly made her way towards the young girl.

Kneeling gently beside her, she looked over the girl. Not knowing where to start, she gently stroked her hair. Calming her aggressive breathing.

"Shh, Shh. It's okay. Can you tell me your name sweetheart?" Lilith cooed at the young girl that now lay in her arms, crying.

Without shifting from her, assumably comfortable, position she softly whispered her name in a broken voice.

"I-Isabel, Isabel Jesus."


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