🕯Chapter Fifteen🕯

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Lilith had gotten back to the house just in time to hear what Arthur had to say

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Lilith had gotten back to the house just in time to hear what Arthur had to say. Silently slipping through the door she stood against the wall and observed the way the family acted in a situation so rough.

John-boy looked calmer than ever, with not a care in the world. But Lilith could see the conflicting emotions of concern and anger deep in his eyes.

Ada looked as though she wanted to lay down. As if the situation in itself was stealing the life from her body and leaving her soulless. She looked tired of the recurring events.

Polly had her concern on open view, but deep down there was something she was conflicted about. Yet Lilith couldn't decipher what it was, yet.

Thomas was the main man. To some, he would look like a concerned brother. But no, Lilith knew him better. He was scared of something far worse than his brothers' health.

Which led Lilith to pay more attention to the conversation. Something had Thomas panicked and she was determined to find out what.

"He said we're Patriots, like him. Wants us to be his eyes and ears. I said we'll have a family meeting, take a vote." The pained and raspy voice of Arthur spoke over the moving of chairs in the room.

Lilith nearly scoffed at the idea of Chester Campbell being a Patriot. He wouldn't do anything for anyone unless he got something out of it, and not just a medal.

The room stayed silent after Arthur had finished speaking, but he didn't miss the glances exchanged between everyone in the room.

"Well, why not?-" Arthur was cut off by the troubled voice of his wife.

"Damien never came home, Arthur."

The silence didn't last long, an enraged Arthur, flew from his chair and charged towards the door.

"Where the bloody hell are you going?!" The screams of Lilith echoed throughout the house.

"Off to find me, son."

"You don't think we've tried to find him? What the fucking hell do you think we've been doing? Sitting around telling fucking stories? He's not anywhere near. So sit the fuck down."

The Shelby family stepped aside and let the married couple argue. There was no hatred in their raised voices, just pure sorrow.

They starred at each other, recognizing the torturous thoughts running through their heads, through the pain in their eyes. But their starring match was broken by the phone ringing from the other room.

Seeing nobody was going to answer it, Lilith walked into the other room and plucked the phone from the holder. Seeing as the door was open, everyone could see and hear what Lilith was saying.


"Hello? Not very welcoming that, sound like a fucking dead whore." The voice on the other end of the receiver answered.

"Who the fuck is this?"

"Who am I? I'm Billy fucking Kimber! Should be nicer to the person who has your boy!"

"Who am I? I'm Billy fucking Kimber! Should be nicer to the person who has your boy!"

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