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Hi everyone, It's been a while! I'm so sorry for the wait and the lost hope of my books but I have been through quite a bit since my last post, which I will explain...

Firstly, I gave birth to my Son, It was a very traumatic birth as he was born not breathing.. Thankfully to the quick action of the doctor present he was brought back to me and was incubated, even though he was over full-term, he couldn't breathe on his own and was in the hospital for some time. Of course, I had to coach myself through that and take time for me and my son. He is now a somewhat healthy boy at the age of 19 Months!

Secondly, For over a year I had been in an abusive relationship that got extremely bad after the birth of my son.. Authorities resolved it and I again had to take time for myself to heal and for the wellbeing of my son too.

I am still not in the best of health mentally or Physically but I have let my books go too long and it's time to start trying to get back to a bit of normality for myself and an escape from reality, as you all know how that is when it comes to books.

I shall be updating in the new year and will also be adding new books to the scene and rewriting old ones. Has anyone any recommendations on Shows / Films they'd want me to write a fan fic upon?

I wish you all a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Holidays and a Very Happy New Year!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2022 ⏰

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