Leave it to the Professionals.

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Summary:- Steve of course loved drawing, it's how he spends most of his time with Tony in the lab. But what happens when there's a power cut so big, even the great Tony Stark can't control it.

Word Count:- 1172
POV:- Steve

Ahh! Drawing. It just makes me feel so at peace, not like I was frozen in the ice for over six decades. And it's a great way to pass time, and if I'm being, I don't think I'm that bad. Tony doesn't know because he'd probably wanna do something like buy an art gallery for me but I like how it is now, I have a few painting here and there in cafes and whatnot. Right as I was saying, it really is a great way to pass time when Tony is tinkering away. An-
Wat the hell! Did the lights just go out?! I didn't think that happened in the Stark Tower with the fancy backup. Maybe it just needs a few seconds to start up. Okay, now it feels like I've been waiting for like a minute. If only I had a torch or, a lamp or anything. Oh wait, I have a phone! Great now how do I put the torch on?
"J. A. R. V. I. S?! Do you still work?" I guess not.
"Of course not, dumbo." What the hell?! Oh thank god it's just Nat. Oh and she has a phone with a torch. But knowing Nat, I'm like 50% sure she will.
"Could you turn the torch on?" I held out my phone so hopefully she could help me. Yes, she's doing it!
"Flathead." I'm not offended cause I have no idea what that is.
"I didn't there could be a power cut in a place owned by Stark." That was actual surprise.
"It was a surprise to me too, why don't we go ask your boyfriend?" She smirked and we walked down to the lab. I don't know why I blush because we are dating but it happens anyway. At least she can't see that I am.
"I know you're blushing, I'm not stupid!"
Okay, now I'm creeped out. At least to ease the tension, we reached Tony's lab. Yay!
"Hey hon!" I was excited, I hadn't seen him today, so as soon as I saw him, I encompassed him into a tight hug.
"Steve?" I heard Tony say but it was coming from ahead instead of from the person I was hugging, so I looked up to see Tony standing there with a confused expression. Then out of nowhere the person I'm hugging suddenly starts giggling. What is going on, is this the voodoo thing Tony warned me about?
"Hey Cap, how are you?" The person I'm hugging is Bruce. Well that's just great. I pull away blushing my cheeks off.
"Hey Bruce, I'm doing fine." And I quickly go hug Tony. I thought you couldn't work when there was no power which brings me to, how is there no power in the Tower, I thought you were always bragging about how expensive this system is." He was not pleased.
"I'll figure it out, but the power will be back on nothing before Monday. Sorry."
"I guess we're gonna have to entertain ourselves some other way." He adds. And no he isn't talking about sex. I think. Is he? Knowing Tony, it might be.
"I'm going to my room." I didn't mean for it to come out blank but eh.
"Ooh me too, I found some paints back there earlier, that's something we could do!" Shit. Even Nat snapped her head at me, she knows. What can you do with two super assassins in the house.
~Time Skip to 2Hours Later~
POV:- Tony

Painting is actually quite fun. We should do it more.
"Do you like it?" I say holding up my canvas so that Steve can see." And at this point I'm betting myself on whether he's gonna say the same thing he said the last hundred times or not.
"Of course I do." I won, surprise.
"Also I'm hungry so I'm gonna get something to eat." He kisses my cheek and walks out. I love Steve. Don't worry he knows. Oh damn it, I'm out of canvas. Shit what do I do now. Well, I could go to the store. No who am I kidding, I'm too lazy for that. Maybe I should send someone? Yeah right, like they'll go. If Steve were here, he'd have gone. Damn it. Ooh, I have an idea.
~Time Skip to an Hour Later~
POV:- Steve

At least I got away from painting for a bit. I mean I love him and all but I liked it when painting was just my thing. Hopefully when the power comes back, he'll grow out of it. Eh, might as well go check on him. Ugh why are there so many stairs!? Ah finally. What the F*¢*!!!!!
"What the F-word?!!!!!" There were Iron Man helmets everywhere each painted with a cartoon character. What is wrong with this guy.
"What." He replied with a 'what'? Oh hell no. Just because he's rich, doesn't mean he can do anything he wants.
"Are you crazy?!" I lift up one of the helmets to examine the paint.
"It's fine, I'll get J. A. R. V. I. S. to wash them once he's back." He shrugged it off.
Wait what's that in the corner? Oh my God! He didn't!
"Is that my shield?" This was the quietest I've spoken yet buy he must've known I was mad cause his eyes widened and head snapped at me.
"N- no.. N-- n- no."
"Are you sure, cause it looks like it!" Now I was mad. I headed over to it and picked it up. I placed it in front of him. He knew he was in for it and soon the entire Tower was.
~Time Skip to 5Hours Later~
POV:- Clint

I walked out of the elevator into the living room in my PJs.
"What time is it?" I see Nat and wonder if she ever actually sleeps. I've never seen her sleep.
"3:00am. Can't sleep?" What is she talking about.
"Are you kidding me, Steve has been at it for like five hours. Usually by now, Tony has him calmed down and naked!"
"Its serious this time, and Cap isn't gonna back down."
"Why? What happened?" I didn't actually know the incident but them fighting was kinda common, not like this though.
"Tony painted on Cal's shield." Ohhh.
"He should have left the Tower, hats of to him." Cap is really protective about this shield. Throw that into a blender with a perfectionist and you get more that half of Cap's personality which Tony is feeling right now.
"Well, I'm gonna go back, Pietro is probably worried." I walk back. This is gonna be a looong night!

Ayyyy!!!! Two in a weekend?!? I am on fire. Anyway, comment and tell me what you think and I'll reply. Share your thoughts.

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