
We get to the lab and there is already a huge crowd here, some supporters and others protesters. Iris and I have linked arms with Barry as we walk up, "So Barry how was your trip?", Iris asks him, "Did you find proof of the impossible in Starling City, or did you just have to make Dad mad for no reason?". He laughs a little, "Actually while I was away, I had a chance to think about... you know relationships. And well I'm not in one, and neither are you", I couldn't listen to him any longer so I unlinked my arm with his and walked away.

It hurt having to hear him be in love with my sister. I walk closer to the front and see a man walk out that I've seen to be Harrison Wells. Barry and Iris walk up behind me and he looks at me, "You ok?', he whispers. I put on a fake smile, "Yup I'm great Bare". We start to watch the ceremony but I don't really pay attention. I feel someone grab my purse and try to take it. I turn and see a teenager taking it and running away, "Hey stop". Barry and Iris see the struggle just as the kid runs away with it. Barry starts running after the thief and Iris and I follow.

They run back behind a building and we lose him until we see him leaning against the wall clutching his stomach in pain, "Barry!" we run up to him and help support him. "I'm sorry I tried", he says looking at me. I look at him shocked, "Barry, I don't care about the stupid bag. I just care about you", I say checking over his injuries.


We got back to the police station and I was sitting at Dad's desk with Barry helping him with his bloody nose. Iris walks up with an annoyed look on her face, "Who is that guy? What's he so proud of? So he caught a mugger?". Barry and I look over at the guy that she's talking about. He's blonde with a little scruff and a smug look on his face. "He's a transfer from Keystone. Started a few weeks ago. Eddie Thawne", he explains. I nod, "Oh that's detective pretty boy", I whisper in realization and Barry looks at me confused, "That's what Dad calls him. Says he actually keeps score when it comes to arrests".

Iris looks over at him, "Well he is pretty", she whispers and I roll my eyes. "I don't see it", I say looking down at my nails. Barry rolls his eyes and stands up, "I should probably get back to work". I stand up , "Are you sure Bare? You got hit pretty hard", I say concerned. He smiles, "Don't worry Delaney. I'm fine. I'll see you guys tomorrow". I nod and Iris and I start out to her car. We ran because it was raining and we didn't want to get wet. I realized that I didn't have my phone, "Oh shoot I left my phone in Barry's lab. I'll be back in a minute", I tell my sister as I run out of the car and back upstairs to his lab. When I walk in I see Barry standing in front of a board with newspaper clippings from his mom's death.

"Bare?", I ask gently to get his attention. He turns and sees me looking surprised trying to cover it up but I walk over to him, "You're looking into it?". He sighs, "I have to, Delaney. My dad is innocent and I plan to prove it and clear his name". I put my hand on his shoulder, "I understand, Bare. I would give anything to know what happened to my parents", he gives me a sympathetic look since I don't even know my parents.

There is a really loud clap of thunder and I jump because I'm scared of loud noises like that. He laughs a little, "Relax scaredy cat. It's just thunder". We hear a news report saying that the particle accelerator malfunctioned and suddenly we hear a large explosion coming from STAR labs. We look at each other scared for the people nearby. We pushes me back a little, "Get away from the window Delaney" he says as we both walk backwards with our eyes still on the explosion.

All of the power goes out in town including in the lab and Barry goes over to close the opening in his roof when we see the chemicals in his lab start floating out of the jars. I step back scared, "Bare?", he looks over at me. Suddenly a bolt of lightning crashes trough the ceiling and Barry is thrown back into his shelves. I watch in horror, "Barry!", I scream out just as I am thrown into the wall and the last thing I see before I black out is my best friend unconscious on the ground.


When I wake up, I'm in the hospital and I start freaking out. Dad walks over and calms me down, "Delaney, honey, It's ok. I'm right here", he says hugging me while I look around in fear. I try to speak but I only feel a piercing pain in my throat. I wince at the pain and Dad looks at me saddened, "Delaney, the doctors say that your vocal cords were damaged in the blast. You may not be able to speak again". I hold my throat and cry when my father tells me that.

The door bursts open and Iris runs in, "Oh I'm so sorry Delaney. I got here as soon as I can", she runs over and hugs me. I hug back and then look around realizing one person isn't here. I grab my phone from beside me and type on my notes, Where's Barry, I show them the note and they look at each other then at me. Iris holds my hand with tears in her eyes, "Barry is in a coma. The doctors aren't sure when, or if he'll wake up".

I cry even harder praying that the man I love will wake up


Alright here's my first chapter. Yes, how Delaney gets her powers is the same how Dinah gets hers in Arrow but I really liked it and wanted to use it. Don't hate me. I hope you enjoy this story. I love the flash and I am pretty much in love with Grant Gustin so I really wanted to do this.


The Silver Siren (Completed)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin