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Owens POV

  Caleb has decided he was going to take a nap even though he literally just got up and ate very little breakfast. Oh well I'll just put it in the fridge. My best friend, Fiona who is also apart of my mafia and is second in command, told me that there have been some business deals to be dealt with. My mafia controls most of North America and some of Central America. I tell my guards that are around the cottage to not kill Caleb, nor let him leave. I leave him note on his bedside table. I wish we shared this room but he is not completely comfy around me.

Dear Caleb
   Please do not try anything while I am gone. Your phone is in the kitchen. Feel free to cook some food or warm up any leftovers that are in the fridge.
   With care, Owen

    I hope this business deal does not have to deal with the Italian mafia not paying us back after we loaned them a quarter of a million dollars. I pray they will not come after my angel like last time.

My last lover, Sam, was taken by the Italian mafia and corrupted by them. He leaked information and that is what got him killed. I have a heart for those who don't converse themselves with mafias and don't make deals with mafias, and for those I love. The innocent. Innocence is not  always the key to life though. Sometimes it's cruel or sadism. I for one love watching people beg for their life. Pulling their body apart, piece by piece. Finger by finger. Joint by joint. Sometimes I end them right on the spot if they deserve  it though

Caleb's POV

   I wake up with a yawn and a stretch to my feet. I just decide to sit up in bed. I look to my left and find a paper that has writing on it.

Dear Caleb,
Please do not try anything while I am gone. Your phone is in the kitchen. Feel free to cook some food or warm up any leftovers that are in the fridge.
With care, Owen

Little does he know I like to cook. I wonder if I can go outside or if that would set off some sort of alarm. I go down the stairs and into the kitchen. I grab my phone and go out the door. The door didn't seem to have an alarm, but that would be determined later if I blow up or not. I go find a tree to climb. Spring is slowly coming, but it gets ever so slightly warmer everyday. I'm wearing a black hoodie of Owens I found just lying around. He isn't the most organized. It's about one pm, Chloe should be up by now. I find a tree and climb up it and pull out my phone and text Chloe.

   Me: Hey are you up
   Chloe: Yeah, how are you doing
   Me: I'm doing fine, we've had fights, because Owen keeps talking about you and how you broke the rule about not talking to me and him wanting information
    Chloe: So it was him. Stay safe Caleb
    Caleb: You to, I don't know if he will come after you or not. Text me if your ever getting chased or you feel like your being followed
   Chloe: Okay I will, Caleb. Hopefully I see you later
    Caleb: Hopefully, bye Chloe

    At least she's still alive and doing fine.


Owens POV

  "What is it Fiona," I asked. If it's something this serious to call me and get me here immediately it may be important.

   "The man that Caleb was living with isn't his actual dad. Caleb was kidnapped at the age of three. His parents called the police, but they quickly gave up. The man got away. His true parents are still alive and together. Arnold and Zoey Jones," she explains to me.

   "Then who was the man," I ask. This is starting to make more sense. Caleb's past about this man abusing him. Not giving a single shit about him. All of a sudden my phone beeps. The front door has been opened it reads on the home screen. I click on the app and look through one of my cameras. Caleb is wearing one of my hoodies, how sweet. He goes to a tree and climbs up one. At least he isn't leaving. My guards would take care of him though. I'm pulled out of my thoughts by Fiona.

    "This man was a member of the Russian mafia," she says. Why him I wonder. Why take Caleb away.

"Do we have the man in our hands," I ask. Maybe I can get answers. A lot of the time I just end up shooting them. This man will get dismembered though.

"Yes, we do he's already in the chamber," she says excitedly. She knows I'll let her do some stuff to him.

"Perfect. You want to have some fun. I know you want to. Let's go in together I'll start. Then if I can't get him to talk. You can do it, but don't kill him. I want him to be begging us to just end him," I say. This will be fun I think.

"Okay, lets go boss," she says showing an evil grin.

We walk down the stairs and go into the chamber. There sits a man in a chair constrained in it. He certainly looks Russian. I walk behind him and place my hands on his shoulders. I jumps a little.

  "Let's make this easy shall we?" I ask him. I know he will be stubborn, but with my methods some give in and tell me. I don't let them live anyway.

   "You tell us what we want to know and you get to live. Simple as that," Fiona finishes for me. The guy yanks against his constraints.

   "Why did you kidnap Caleb," I ask right away. I have a low patience at the moment. Little does he know that I will bring hell to him.

   "His parents owed us money, they couldn't pay it so we took him," he explains. He has a thick Russian accent. That's all I needed to know to start the process.

   "Tell Taylor and Jasmine to find information about Arnold and Zoey Jones," I says bluntly. I wonder what this deal was about.
Authors Note
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These next few weeks I will be getting a bit busy. Be patient I'm not going to abandon this story.

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