Chapter 24: My Best friend and My brother

Start from the beginning

"Leave!" I instantly recognized the voice as my brother's, "I'm taking her home."

I scowled as I looked up at him, pocketing my phone, "Fuck off, lair"

He wore jeans, a t-shirt, and sneakers. He must have worked out earlier. His aura looked different, warmer. I suppose that one of the advantages of fucking your soulmate. I could see in his eyes that being without Alexis would be very hard for him now. Way harder than it was before.

At least, I knew that he wasn't going to be leaving my girl with any more lame excuses. I walked over to him, smirking as I patted his shoulder. I spoke again in a suggestive, prideful tone, "Lexi wants me."

Corciel growled at me as his eyes turned back with red pupils. He wrapped his hand around my throat. His voice grew demonic as he hissed out at me, "You really need to watch that tone of yours, Lilith".

I showed him my true eyes before I rolled them at him. Yes, I could feel that he has gotten stronger, but I knew he wouldn't seriously hurt me. My smirk stayed in place as I spoke again, "Don't lash out on me because you are acting pussy stupid right now. And Lexi wants to leave".

"I'm not pussy stupid, She knows that I'm a demon and her soulmate", he told me in a mumble as he shoved his hands in his pockets, looking away from me.

I let out a sigh of annoyance as I lifted my hand to rub my closed eyes. I spoke in a tired tone, "So you still haven't told her everything."

Before he could reply, my phone buzzed in my pocket. Then I grabbed my phone to read the message, it read:

Lexi- Coming now

I looked up at my brother again, letting my eyes go back to normal, "Maybe if you were honest to her from the beginning, you would be fucking her all weekend. Instead, she's coming with me to process all this."

"You know what, I would just love to see how you'd handle having a human as a mate", He snapped at me as he runs his hands through his short curly hair.

"I'd be honest once I knew I could trust them. Just as I was with Lexi", I revealed to him as I leaned against a pillar and looked over at the elevator, waiting for the doors to open.

"You what!", He snapped at me again, his voice loud and the room grew hot with his power surge.

From the feel of the heat growing more intense and the sound of his footsteps, I knew he was getting closer to me. He continued to yell, sounding beyond pissed off, "Do you have any idea how badly she could have reacted!"

"I know. My trust in her wasn't misplaced, so chill your balls", I waved him off dismissively as I heard the elevator arrive.

I pushed off the pillar and walked towards the opening door, pulling out my phone to record my favorite human.

"Bitch! How you feeling after last night?", I questioned her as I held her in the frame of the video.

Lexi's eyes widened and she moved her hands up to hide her face as she cried out, "Lil, You are so extra!"

My eyes widened slightly as I noticed the rope imprints on her wrists, "Oh rope marks! What did he do to you girl!?"

Lexi gasped as she threw her arms behind her back. Her face looked a little flushed as she glared at me lightly, "Shut up, you already know I'm kinky. God, stop filming this!"

I pouted at her as I lowered the phone a bit, "No, Please let me. We are going to watch this later and laugh, I swear!"

She gave me a slight glare as I gave her my best puppy dog look. She let out a sigh and rolled her eyes at me. Then she smiled at me, "You are such a pain, Bitch."

I giggled as I moved over to the side, allowing her space to walk out. I called out loudly, "Let's see that walk of pride, girl! He got you limpin or what?"

"I'm not limpin, Shut up", Lexi called out as she walked out of the elevator and started to make her way to my car.

She stopped mid-stride as she noticed Corciel standing near the pillar where I was. He was in the middle of her path, and he was in his full demon form. Seven feet tall, Blue-grey skin decorated in black markings. His black hair turned pure white. His eyes went to their natural state.

Straight horns came from his forehead, the tips looked to have been dipped in a pool of blood-red. It matched his tail, as well as the bottom of his large bat-like wings sprouting behind his back. His claws were out a well. His outfit changed to the usual suit he wears in hell.

He took a few steps closer to Alexis, who seemed to be blinking far more than necessary. He stopped and cleared his throat, before his demonic voice was heard, "I should reintroduce myself, Doll. My name is Corciel, I'm Lilith's younger brother. I have a claim on your soul and I'm your soulmate."

Alexis' mouth fell open for a few seconds, then she bit on her lower lip. Her eyebrows pulled together as she started to nod her head 15 times in a quick session. She released her lower lip with a loud pop as she turned to face me. Her eyebrows shot up as her eyes widened a bit more, as she pressed her lips together in a thin line.

She turned back to face Corciel and made that pop sound again with her lips. Her mouth hung open for a few more seconds before she said, "Ok".

She started to shake her head as she continued her path to my car as she mumbled, "So much. Too much."

I reached into my pocket and quickly unlocked the door. Lexi got into the car and put on her seatbelt. Even from here, I could hear the sound of her leg bouncing fiercely. I looked over at my brother after I put my phone away and stopped recording. He looked sickly in the face as he went back to his human form.

I walked over to him and patted his shoulder as I spoke in a sympathetic tone, "It will be fine Cee. I got this. She just needs time to process."

Corciel's lip twitched at the old nickname. He turned his head in my direction, giving me a sad look. He lifted his hand and placed it on top of mine, "I trust you"

With that, he disappeared into smoke that traveled up towards his condo. I walked over to the car, put on my seatbelt and started the quiet drive home. During the drive, I remembered all those years ago when I revealed my true form to her.

Well, it was more of an accident than anything else. I had just returned from hell and I was pissed at Corciel. He was bugging me to meet Alexis already. I forgot that we were having a sleepover, I forgot what a light sleeper Alexis can be. I was still in my true form, cursing about my brother and that is what woke her up.

Her eyes opened and widened as she stared at me and called out my name in confusion, "Lilith?"

"Yes. Hi, I didn't mean to wake you sorry,", I said in a casual tone, forgetting that I was in my true form.

"You really weren't lying about being a demon", She sounded in awe as she got out of the bed and walked closer to me. Staring at me as if this was the first time she saw me.

I looked down at myself, then I looked back up at her as I smiled, "No, I wasn't"

I glanced over to Alexis as she stared out at the passing streets. Why did she react so differently to Corciel?

A/N: Thank you for reading. Please leave a comment, I love reading them. The next chapter should be up 9-20-19.  If you can't wait, you can always read ahead on Radish. 

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