Important Update Info - Please Read

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I have been receiving a lot of requests for updates on this book. I think it is fair to update you on what is going on with it at the moment.

As many of you know, I have not updated this story since late 2019...almost a full year. I apologize for the long hiatus. You know I originally put this story on hiatus to give myself a grieving period for my lost family member. I did not intend for the hiatus to last this long, and I apologize for it. Balancing schoolwork, social life, and updates are much more difficult now that I am in college. 

My writing style, while it hasn't changed much, has become more structured in that time. When I was working on this story previously, I had no plan or plot for it, I just sat down and started writing. However, I realized that method led to multiple fluff chapters in a row, and I really want to move this story along.

I have spent the entirety of today writing out the plot (which meant a re-read of the story since I didn't remember half of what happened already lol), and fleshing out the plot for the next chapter. This also meant that I had to scrap the partial chapter I had previously written, as it was just another filler chapter, and you all deserve better than that. 

All of this goes to say that I have the majority of the next chapter written. I am going to be finishing it (hopefully today, if not, tomorrow), doing some editing/proofing, and I should have it out to you by the end of the week. 


On a different note, I don't know if anyone actually cares, but I managed to get my prescription for testosterone injections last week, and I had my first injection last Saturday. Ya boi officially on T!

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