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Are you ready for this?


Severus watched the dark-haired son of his school-yard bully stride past him at a quick clip, making the professor frown internally. He told himself that he didn't care, but something about Potter these past few weeks has been off. He seemed...distant, almost. Distracted. Severus hadn't seen Potter this agitated since the Final Battle. 

Severus made a split-second decision and followed the sound of Potter's footsteps down the hall, around the corner, and straight to the South entrance. He blended himself into the shadows, still confused, while watching Potter interact shortly with the guards. 

Potter leaned against the wall, and Severus couldn't deny that he made a striking figure. His body had become lean and toned through years of Quidditch, and his black skinny jeans showed off his toned thighs. Potter's shoulders rested against the wall along with one foot. His chin was dropped to his chest, somehow managing to accentuate the strong jawline and high cheekbones that the boy - no, man - possessed. He wore a simple white tee shirt with black Korean lettering on it, which only emphasized his muscled torso. 

Severus shook his head. He needed to be watching what Potter was doing, not what he looked like. Potter stood suddenly and began to talk to one of the guards. Severus listened closely, frowning when Potter mentioned Polyjuice Potion. However, a thought crossed crossed his mind that made him stand up straight and his eyes widen in horror when Potter kept pressing about the Polyjuice. 

Potter has black, messy hair and bright green eyes, his inner voice reminded him. Shut up, he told it. He pressed himself back into the shadows as Potter walked by him on his way out of the hall, his footsteps heavier than they were when the young wizard had arrived. 

A few minutes ensured that the guards had returned to their duties of guarding the door, and Severus slipped out of his corner and strode quickly to the Headmistress's office. He gave the password to the gargoyle, who sprang out of his way. He rode the staircase up and knocked on the door when he arrived at the top. 

Minerva opened the door and ushered him in, obviously confused. 

"What is it, Severus?" she asked, settling herself behind the large mahogany desk. Severus allowed himself to frown and sat in front of the woman. 

"I have cause to think that Ajax is actually Harry Potter," he stated. Minerva's eyes went wide and she leaned back in her chair. 

"And why, exactly, is this cause?" she asked. 

"Not only the physical similarities between Ajax and Potter," he said, steepling his fingers. "I recently noticed Potter talking with one of the guards at the South entrance, discussing the security measures in place. He pressed firmly upon the ability or inability of a person using Polyjuice Potion to get in using that entrance." 

Minerva took a deep breath. "That is very convincing, but remember, Mr. Potter has much on his mind, and the security of the castle is near the top of the list. It is possible that Polyjuice struck him due to his past experience with Polyjuice in the war," she said. 

Severus nodded to show his understanding. "I still believe, however, that Potter is an unregistered Animagus. It just seems too coincidental, and I don't believe in coincidences," he said. 

Minerva gave him a look. "I understand. Feel free to find hard evidence, but Potter's reputation will remain untarnished to me until firm proof is presented to me," she said. 

Severus nodded determinedly. He would find out, even if it meant confronting Potter himself. "Thank you," he said, standing to leave. Minerva stood as well. 

"I know you heard this a lot from my predecessor," she said, glancing back at the currently empty portrait, "but Harry is not James, nor is he the person that you have made him out to be in your mind." 

Severus didn't respond, merely turning on his heel and walking out of the office, leaving a saddened Headmistress behind him. 

When he arrived at his room, a piece of paper laid folded on his desk. His full name was elegantly scribbled on the front in emerald ink.

Severus Tobias Snape,

First off, you are correct in your assumptions. I am an unregistered Animagus. 

Secondly, I have been working diligently to solve the mystery. I no longer think that the Carrows got in via Polyjuice. I followed the scent from the night of their capture, and have cause to believe that they came in through the South entrance. As you know, the South entrance is the most heavily guarded entrance. I have talked with some of the guards at the South entrance, along with the North and West entrances. I will be talking to guards at the East entrance sometime this coming week. The South entrance has excellent defenses against both glamours and Polyjuice. Unless the Carrows could move fast enough to get past the defenses and had someone on the inside helping them, they could not have made it through the South entrance undetected. Due to this information, I am going back to the drawing board. 

Wish me luck,


Severus looked at the signature. The letters were simultaneously spiked and rounded, and showed the qualities of excellent penmanship. The part about talking to the guards screamed Potter, but Potter's writing was terrible, and he was too secretive to ask anyone to write it for him. 

"Quick-Quotes Quill?" Severus mumbled to himself, observing the excellent handwriting again. He shook his head. Whatever it was, he would take it as evidence that Potter was Ajax, and vice versa. He would talk to him whenever he dropped by again. 

This thought made him frown, however. Ajax - no, Potter - normally came four or five times a week, but it had been at least three weeks since he came by. It made Severus wonder why Potter (Ajax?) was avoiding him, especially since Potter had completely ignored him on the way to the South entrance. 

But then again, that incident could be chalked up to Potter's preoccupation with the Carrow mystery, right? Severus shook his head and ran a hand through his hair. 

He needed a drink. 

And a large wolf to cuddle with, his mind whispered. Shut up, he told himself again, and grabbed a cup that was slightly larger than the one he had originally grabbed.


I think I need a drink after this too. Love you all!

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