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Severus Snape was not having a good day. On top of slimy, useless kids filling his classroom with their babbling nonsense and destroying at least twenty cauldrons causing twelve students to retire to the hospital wing, he also was unexpectedly saddled with the responsibility of the night check. 

It's not like I had papers to make bleed or anything like that, he thought sarcastically. 

However, he understood Minerva's reasoning. Previous patrollers had mentioned the feeling of being watched, and Flitwick had performed a spell that told him he was not alone. 

The others could have their own opinions - "It has to be a lost soul, Severus!"  - but Severus suspected otherwise. He wasn't stupid. No where near all the death eaters had been locked up, and they all knew about his deception. If any of them were loose, it made logical sense for them to come after him. 

Snape held his wand uneasily, rolling it between his slim fingers and feeling the smooth wood. He was acutely aware that he was not the most skilled death eater, despite how much he tried to fool himself into thinking he was. His best weapon was his mind, which wouldn't do much in a physical battle. 

His soft footsteps echoed throughout the hallways of Hogwarts as he prowled through the castle. Suddenly, the small hairs on the back of his neck stood up and he knew he wasn't alone. 

He froze and his grip tightened on his wand. He kept his face clear of emotion as his dark eyes cast around for a sign of his figurative shadow. A soft chuckle reached his ears. "You always were astute, weren't you?" a soft voice said. 

Severus turned his head towards the sound and scowled more, if that was possible. He didn't draw his wand yet. He needed to find out the sole purpose of this man. 

Men, he corrected himself, as two dark-cloaked figures stepped from the shadows. Their faces were hidden, and the voice was unfamiliar. Severus settled for sneering even more and imagining painful ways for them to die. 

"Why are you here?" he asked, carefully choosing his phrasing and his tone. One of the men tilted their head to the side, and Severus knew they were smirking. "Well, it is an honor to hear the voice the one who is partially responsible for bringing about the fall of our Lord," the unfamiliar voice said. 

Severus heard the arrogance in his tone - it disgusted him. He opted to stay silent for the time being and to simply observe. He noted that both men were physically larger than him and both had their wands drawn. Something about them told Severus that their minds were weak, however. 

"We just wanted to repay the favor," the other man said. His voice was higher in pitch than the other. Confusion shot through Severus; not at the poorly veiled threat, but at the voice. He'd heard that voice before. 

"Amycus. Alecto," he said. The silence of the halls made his voice loud. The quiet laugh that reached his ears told him that he was right. 

"Well done, little spy. Now prepare to meet your death," the woman said. Both figures raised their wands in sync. Anyone else would have found their synchronization and outfits threatening, but Severus had seen it so many times before. He resisted the urge to yawn. 

He was going to defend, but not attack. Maybe he could get on their good side and figure out what parts of the left-over plans were being executed. Or at least, attempting to be executed. However, before he could even think about casting a mild protego, a loud noise echoed throughout the hall. 

Severus froze, as well as the two death eaters. A light clicking noise echoed in the silence. It came from behind Severus. However, he didn't turn around. Something about the presence set Severus at ease. 

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