I Want To Make You Happy

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(sorry the updates have been slower lately for this book, but I have had like NO ideas whatsoever and am just starting a musical theater course at Uni! So things are a little hectic, but leave requests if you can think of anything at all! P.S. important question for readers at the end in the authors note! <3) 

They were on each other's mind, always. She was the ringing within his ears, every breath that escaped his lips and every single heartbeat - it was all filled with her. He could not stop thinking about every small detail : the dusting of freckles that she had gained along the bridge of her nose over the summer, the twitch of her nose whenever she was concentrating, the way that her fingers held onto his extra tight when it was time to say goodbye. They were only small, practically insignificant details but to him - they were everything. All of the hours, minutes and seconds were never enough, him always following her home after a long day of school, sneaking into her window late at night when they both couldn't sleep. Some days his mind would feel so busy, the yelling in his house too loud combined with all of the anxiety within his heart. She would be waiting for him, rolling over with a soft smile when she heard his telltale cursing, holding in her giggle when he almost fell over again. Mike would wrap himself in her arms, letting her draw soothing patterns over his arms as their legs tangled together. His eyes would flutter closed with a newfound peace that he never experienced anywhere else, his mind finally going quiet, being filled with the only thing that mattered - her. 

Whenever the assignments in High School got too overwhelming, he would go to the only source of comfort that he could ever find. She would usually be sorting out her own books or studying, taking on extra classes and assignments to extend her knowledge further. His favorite part would be watching her from his own locker - only seven other lockers standing between them - seeing the little crease form between her eyebrows while she concentrated.  He would get lost within the very thought of her, a subconscious smile making its way onto his face. But when he got too impatient, he would instantly make his way over there, snatching her up in a sweet embrace just so that he could hear her laugh - a laugh that made all of the thoughts inside his head simply disappear. 

El jumped slightly when she felt familiar arms wrap their way around her waist, his nose brushing against her shoulder as he leaned down. "Hi."

"Oh- uh, hi."

He waited for her usual giggle, but there was something different about her voice - something almost flat. A frown made its way onto his face as he turned her around, searching her face that looked tired and fed up. He instantly started brushing his fingers through her locks of hair, taking it out of the ponytail in a way that he knew relaxed her. 

She only shrugged him off. "Can you stop doing that?"

"Oh...sorry" he mumbled sheepishly, "I thought you liked it when I did that."

El sighed, simply continuing to arrange her books, not sparing him another glance. There was a harsher expression on her face, a constant frown etched into her forehead but it wasn't one caused by concentration. She would barely look at him and every single scenario started playing out within his head, his brain working fast to understand what he had said to upset her. His eyes watched her carefully, trying his best to be quiet, knowing that she probably needed space if she wasn't in the best mood - but he just couldn't stop himself. 

"Are you going to break up with me?" he blurted out. 

She paused, giving him a funny look. "What are you talking about?"

"Are you mad at me?"


"But you-"

"Mike" her eyes squeezed shut, "I just want to go home, okay? This has nothing to do with you but I need to study, I-I have a lot to get done."

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