Valentines Day

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The town of Hawkins was preparing for the most romantic time of the year, with a firework display at Lover's Lake and the advertisement of several rose bouquets on street corners. It was a time for love and peace, for everyone to relax and enjoy the beautiful emotions that filled the air. But one dark-haired boy was panicking, spending every moment working up the courage to speak to his sort-of girlfriend's adoptive father, and also making sure that he didn't make a fool out of himself. 

Hopper had never been one to celebrate the holiday, especially as he had nobody to spend it with. Ever since his divorce and Sarah's passing, he was not in the mood to spend a day showing his romantic side, or perhaps his lack of one. But when a familiar lanky teenager walked into the police station on a Monday afternoon, he suddenly knew what this was about. 

"No" he grumbled as soon as Mike sat down in his office. 

Mike groaned and threw his hands up in the air. "Come on, I haven't even asked you yet! How do you know that the answer will be a no?"

Hopper glanced at the boy and then back down at his newspaper tiredly. "Do you think I'm an idiot? I know what tomorrow is, and the answer is no."

Mike let out a deep breath, gripping onto the edge of his seat. "Why?"

"I'm working" Hopper complained, "can't you just leave me alone? Aren't you supposed to be at school right now? Do I need to call Mrs Wheeler?"

"Come on, chief" Mike pleaded slightly, leaning forward to look him in the eye, "She couldn't go to the fireworks last week because of your rules, and you hardly ever let her out. I'm not asking to bring her anywhere, I just want to see her tomorrow. I know I saw her yesterday's Valentines Day..." he trailed off in a sad mumble.

Hopper scoffed. "Why do you have to see her on Valentines Day?"

Mike sighed deeply, "Look, just because you don't want her to have a boyfriend or whatever, doesn't mean that we don't care about each other. I-It's a day for showing that you care about someone and I..I just wanted to do something special for her."

Hopper pinched his forehead, hating how the fourteen year old was making him feel guilty. Sure he knew that the pair had a connection, and the blush on El's face whenever he came round to the cabin was enough for him to know that it wasn't just friendly. But he didn't want her to grow up too fast, especially as he had just adopted her to be his family for good. But seeing the pleading look on Mike's face and remembering the 353 days that he kept them apart, listening to El cry in her bed when she couldn't answer his calls, it made him give in slightly. 

"What did you have in mind?" he sighed. 

Mike straightened up. "Wait- you're really letting me-"

"I said tell me, not bore me to death" Hopper groaned. "What is so special that you can do in the cabin? I told you that she can't go out yet, it has only been a couple of months since you two went to the Snowfall or whatever..."

"Snowball" Mike mumbled then sighed at the chief's bored expression, "Okay, so I know that she can't leave and that's fine. I get it...but I was thinking about getting her a present for tomorrow...something special. I know what I want to get her but...I kind of need your permission.."

"I swear to god if it is some kind of ring-"

Mike rolled his eyes. "Jesus, I'm fourteen and not crazy. That can at least wait until she's...eighteen.."

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