Forgive Me

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(Now that the queen of angst gave you a cute one-shot... I am afraid this long one will break your hearts...I teared up while writing it...don't worry I might put you back together at the end...maybe.)

Mike Wheeler was a content twenty-five year old, sharing a house with his loving wife and enjoying his days spent reading through the manuscripts. Mike had been given a job as a proof reader, every afternoon spent devouring hundreds of pages to send to the publisher that he worked for if they were deemed interesting enough. Most of the time he got hooked on all of the boring books, with his publisher sending them back and asking him to read more books that were not always science fiction. 

His morning generally consisted of waking up to drink a cup of coffee before settling down with a new manuscript. His wife left work pretty early as she worked with young children that had special needs, trying to develop their speech. She found that after so many years of struggling with her own vocabulary, she learnt the perfect ways to teach someone else new words and the structuring of sentences. 

His morning had started off the same as usual and he continued on with a smile on his face, until a strange beeping sounded on his voicemail machine. Mike wandered over with a small frown, not expecting any messages or anything back from work. He pressed play and the frown on his face grew with every single word. 

"This is Doctor Goodman calling for Mrs Jane Wheeler? I am sorry to have missed you, Mrs Wheeler, but I would like you to come in and complete some paperwork after the scan results from last week. If you could give me a call back on this number or come in to see me as soon as possible during working hours, then I would be happy to discuss further. Have a good day." 

Mike found it difficult to breathe, his fingers stumbling over the machine as he panicked, trying to find the right number to locate that doctor. He struggled with the receptionist, they were unable to give information out over the phone but after several minutes of Mike arguing that he has a right as a husband to know what is going on with his wife, she relented and booked him an appointment to discuss his wife's health. 

El came home with a smile on her face, hooking her coat up as she hummed. She frowned slightly when she heard no footsteps coming to greet her at the door. "Mike? Are you here?"

Her husband walked out of their bedroom but she could immediately tell that something was off. His eyes were narrowed and red, almost as if he had been crying all day. His posture was shaky and he held several documents in his shaking hands. 

"Mike?" she rushed forward worriedly, "what is it?"

Mike threw the papers down on the table angrily. "Why don't you tell me?" 

El swallowed heavily and after one glance at the paper, she immediately knew that her husband had found out. A sick feeling settled into her stomach as she looked up at Mike who was glaring at her harshly, feeling more angry than he ever felt in his entire life. "Mike-"

"Don't you dare" his voice wobbled. "How could you not tell me this? For god's sake El, I am your husband!"

"I know that" El's eyes lowered to the ground. 

"Are you sure?" he stepped forward with a scoff. "Because we also made a vow about sickness and health, remember? Last time I checked it is a little hard for me to stand by you through that promise, if you don't tell me if you're sick."

"Mike..." El tried desperately, "I had the scan, it was a false alarm! They called me yesterday to tell me, I-I am fine!"

"I don't care if you're fine" Mike spat. "All I want to do is care about you and be there. You couldn't even tell me that you found a lump...h-how could you keep something like that from me?"

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