The Power Of Love

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(A really cool and interesting concept suggested by diamentowyfeniks thank you so much! Hope you enjoy it and if anyone has any requests, please leave a comment! BTW I am still DYING AND SHAKING re-watching the trailer for the 240th time this morning..WATCH OUT FOR REFERENCES TO TRAILER)

El's powers had been a mystery for her for many months, spending more time practicing how to control and enhance them. After the snowball dance, Hopper deemed that she still had to stay hidden and safe for another year before being introduced to the rest of Hawkins. While El wanted nothing more than to go to school with the rest of the party and to spend her days out in the cold winter fresh hair, it provided her with the perfect opportunity to try and figure out her powers while Hopper was at work. It started with some mild experiments, working out how many objects she could levitate at once and if she could levitate herself, before she wanted someone else to lend a helping hand. 

"I missed you" Mike spoke softly against her shoulder, breathing in as she tried to pull him through the door. 

She impatiently tugged on his arm, him sending her confused glances. She had been in a weird mood all week, barely using the supercom that he had given her for Christmas, always avoiding him sneaking over. Hopper had limited their visitations more and more so El had given him instructions of how to bike to the cabin alone, a route which Mike now knew off  by heart. When she begged him excitedly to come over that afternoon, him slightly nervous about missing school, it took him a while before he finally decided to go. 

The pair sat in El's room in the cabin, new decorations making his eyes soften. His eyes glanced over the pale green walls and orange ruffled pillows, a pretty butterfly painting on the wall beside her bed. The room had become more like her personality, making the cabin feel more like a real home for her like she finally belonged somewhere. El sat cross-legged in front of Mike and motioned him to do the same, their socks pressing into her duvet cover. 

"Okay" Mike sighed, searching her eyes, "What is going on?"

El looked down. "I've been practicing...and I wanted you to help. Can-Can you hold onto me? Like, your hands-"

He hesitantly reached out and interlocked their hands, their fingers slipping together with ease like they always did. It was strange how natural it seemed for them, always standing close to each other or automatically reaching for each other as a source of comfort. El looked down at their intertwined fingers, Mike's longer and slender while hers were soft and delicate, fingernails painted a pale pink color. His wrists were growing wriggling veins, bursting out from his pale skin as her flannel shirt brushed the underside of his elbow. 

Mike watched El's face begin to change, a look of concentration flashing through her eyes before she closed them intently. He opened his mouth to voice his concerns, but she tightened her hands on his, a strange sensation fluttering in his stomach. It felt like the world was shifting, some kind of feeling coursing through his veins as if it was taking control of him, El's eyebrows furrowing slightly as he looked down at their fingers. Before he had time to freak out, the bed was no longer beneath him, his body rising up to float slowly above the covers by several inches, El's nose running lightly with blood. His eyes widened and as he started to squirm, her hold on him broke, his body bouncing back down on the squeaky bed in seconds making him gasp. El's eyes fluttered open and they were filled with concern, tightening her hold on him as if to check that she had not hurt him in any way. 

"A-Are you okay?" she asked shakily. 

Mike was quiet for a while, before he blurted out the words. "H-How did you do that?"

El's eyes softened and she let out a breath of relief, struggling to put her words together. "I-I have been practicing lifting things and myself...I didn't want to hurt anyone before I wanted to know how far it can go. I have only ever lifted people by throwing them across the room..s-so I-"

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