"See, there's nothing to worry about," dad said and I was so happy that he agreed with me. 

"Mum, I really, really want to move in with Calum. He makes me so, so happy and you don't even know how much I love him. Just -- please. His apartment isn't even that far away. I won't be gone forever, mum. Come on, you always want to make me happy and this would make me so happy, you don't even know."

She sighed, "God, you really want to get rid of us."

"Mum, it's not like that."

"I know, I was joking. Back to the topic. If dad is okay with it, then yes."

"Yes what?" I asked.

"Yes, you can move out."

I almost jumped from the couch but Calum held me close and kissed my cheek.

"Thank you so much, really. Thank you."

My parents just smiled and we went to my room.

✧ ✧

"So, when do you want to move in?" Calum asked. We were laying on my bed, legs tangled together, chest pressed against each others, so close.

"Right now."

"Right now?"

I nodded, "Yes, if that's possible."

"You need to pack all your stuff and what about your furniture?" he asked.

"I only need my clothes, that's all. I don't need my bed since we're sleeping in one and if I need something then I can just come back here and get it."

"Okay, do you have boxes for your stuff?"

I nodded and got up and went to the kitchen, asking my parents for the boxes. 

It took us almost two hours to pack stuff because I always found stuff that distracted me. 

✧ ✧

"Guys, something great is happening right now," I said excited to the camera.

We were currently in the car on the way to Calum's - to our - apartment. Since Calum was driving I decided to Vlog a little bit. Vlogging was so much fun.

"You're such an excited little kitten," Calum chuckled.

"Shut up and concentrate on the road. Anyway, I have something to tell you guys. Can I get a drumroll?" 

I turned the camera so you could see Calum who was wildly tapping his finger against the steering wheel.

"I'm going to move in to Calum's apartment," I shouted excited. "Also we have a little kitten but we're too uncreative to think of a name for it, so it's just called kitten."

Calum laughed, "I'm living with two kittens now."

"You like calling me kitten way too much."

"Yes. Yes I do."

✧ ✧

"Hoodies, we have a problem. I have way too much clothes," Calum laughed and showed them the closet, "Michael's clothes barely fit in there."

"Let's just sell yours, you don't need them anyway."

"Hell yes I need them, if you sell them I would have to run around naked the whole time."

"That's the point," I said and continued playing with our little kitten.

After trying to fit my clothes also in his closet, 

(we decided to buy a new one which is bigger)

we sat down on our couch and watched some TV, talked a little bit to the camera.

"Oh look, kitten is asleep," I said and pointed to the animal who was sleeping on my lap, "It's so adorable."

"You need to move it, though. We need to edit the Vlog," Calum said.

"But what if I wake it up?"

"It'll fall asleep again, don't worry."

I gently placed it on the couch, then walked over to Calum's iMac and waited until he sat down but he didn't.

"You won't sit down?" I asked, slightly confused.

"No," he simply replied.


"Because you're the one who will edit the Vlog today."

"What? No, no. No, I can't. I will mess this up and delete the footage and you will be mad at me and I don't want to fight with you," I rambled, being so nervous about editing it alone. 

"Calm down, kitten. I'm sitting right next to you and if you don't know what to do then I'll help you. Don't panic, everything will be great."

I just nodded and sat down, then started to cut and edit and I did well, at least that's what Calum said. It took almost two hours which was a lot more time that Calum needed.

After I proudly uploaded the video to YouTube we changed into some comfortable clothes and cuddled on the couch, watching a few episodes of The Walking Dead.

"I have to work tomorrow and I'm tired," I mumbled, eyes slowly closing.

"Let's go to bed then."

He turned off the TV and made sure the kitten was fine, then we went to bed.

"You still owe me one," he suddenly said.



I groaned, "Not today, I'm tired."

"Tomorrow then?"

"Yes, tomorrow."

"Good night, kitten," he whispered and kissed me softly.


"I love you."

"I love you more."


"You make me really happy, you know?" he asked and I nodded.

"You make me happy, too."


"But do I really have to wait until tomorrow for you to suck me off?"

"I swear to god, if you don't shut up I'll never suck you off again," I threatend.

"Okay, okay. It's fine. I'll shut up."


"But you know, I love you."

And I just smiled.

Because I was happy.


I know the moving was rushed but I just really wanted them to move in together, yay!! 

❀ I hope to see all your beautiful faces next chapter ❀

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