Trois x NoneInmate!Reader || I Like This Version Of You Better

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This includes an idea for Trois' past that I dont really think I like enough to headcanon, but works for this oneshot ^^ 

Warning: Refers to some dirty things in the past... but there isnt anything really NSFW here ^^ Mostly fluff 


"Uh... Number 3? There's a girl here to see you?" 

Kiji's confuzzled words excite basically everyone in building 3, the building being full of guys who have not seen a girl properly in possibly years. Apart from Honey and Trois' fan club, that is. But they're no fun, they only want the pretty boys. 

Speaking of the pretty boys, they're looking confused as hell too, like Kiji. But, not in a bad way. This is a nice surprise. By why only Trois? Who is this girl? Trois gets up from his corner and goes to the door, pleasantly intrigued as Kiji unlocks it. "A girl? Who is she?" 

"Hmmm, a girl called Y/N L/N. She says she knows you." 

Immediately, Trois goes white as a sheet, and retreats to the far corner of the cell as fast as he can. "Nope, I don't know her. Sorry!" 

Kiji opens the door and looks at Trois in disappointment and yet... some more confusion. This is so unlike the boy! Why is he retreating from the possibility of seeing a girl? And lying about knowing her? Slowly, Kiji's eyebrows furrow in a determined kind of way, and he marches forward to Trois. 

Honey pipes up, already by the door that Kiji has just left open. "Hey, if he's not going to go see the lady, then I'd be happy t-" 

"Shut it, don't even think about it." Kiji hisses, not even bothering to look back. Honey slouches sullenly, and heads back to his bed. Kiji reaches Trois and puts his hands on his lips, looking down at the boy who's curled into a sitting up ball. "Number 3, what has gotten into you? Get out there and see this girl. Man up!" 

"No," Trois' voice is meek and he doesn't meet Kiji's eyes. "No thank you." 

"'No thank you'- I wasn't offering! I was ordering, young sir. Now get up and march to the visiting room!" 

Eyes leaving the floor, Trois connects his gaze with Kiji, and takes off his glasses. Quickly, Kiji realises what he's planning and looks away, making Trois sigh heavily. "No! No! Not today, do not manipulate me, you little creep!" Leaning down without looking at Trois, he grabs the shocked boys arm and drags him up and out of the cell, closing and locking the door behind them. Literally dragging him, by the back of his shirt, across the floor as Trois just sits and lets it happen. "Whatever past you have with this girl, she seems very nice. You two need to work through it." 

"Kiji... " Trois whines, uncharacteristic as he has been ever since Kiji said her name. He knows Kiji's right, but he doesn't believe that that's possible. What Y/N's here for, he has absolutely zero clue. He hurt her pretty damn badly, so why would she come to visit him in prison? 

Honestly, whenever Trois looks back on his... ah... 'exciting', adventures before prison, and thinks about all his regrets -and there are many, he was not the best person back then,- , he always thinks that hurting Y/N was the one he's the most sorry for. He would never do that to her now. 

"3, I am surprised at you. This girl has taken a boat trip and paid those annoying admission fees, to see you. So you are going to pick yourself up, off the ground," Kiji picks Trois up off the floor and sets him on his feet. "Retrieve your, usually unwavering, handsome boy charisma and go talk to her." With that, Kiji pushes Trois into the visiting room and closes the door behind him. 

Trois stumbles before catching his bearings and looking up. Behind the glass in the middle of the room, is Y/N. She looks good, very beautiful. And happier then she was before, which of course just adds to her mesmerising beauty. As soon as she sees him, a surprising beam brightens up her face like when the clouds clear up on a sunny day. It makes Trois want to beam right back at her. 

"Hey, Trois?" Your smile turns into something more mischievous. "How's it kicking?" 

Taking a deep breath, Trois goes forward and sits in the seat across from you. "Well; thank you. How are you? You look breathtaking." 

"Oh, Trois, you heartbreaker. I see that hasn't gone away. Although, the getups different now. What happened to the jeans and leather jacket? I always liked that- actually, a lot of girls did. Guys, too." For a second, Y/N's false badass bravado disappears and she looks a little hurt, but quickly she washes it away by running a hand back through her hair. Refreshing herself, and gestures to him kindly. "But, this looks good too! Brings out your eyes." 

"Kiji thinks so," Trois grins, against his better judgement. He shouldn't be allowed to be happy in her presence. Her very presence should make him feel nothing but guilt and shame. But, somehow, she still lights up his fires like nothing else. No matter how many people he was with, it never compared to her. He was a fool to not acknowledge it then. In fact, he feels like a fool now, thinking all of this. After a moment, Trois takes a deep breath and says something he hasn't until then. Not to her, anyway. "Y/N, may I just say, that I'm exceedingly sorry, for what happened between us. What I did. I'm just... " Trois' shoulders slump forward. "I'm so, so sorry. And I know this is late." 

A few moments pass and theirs no response. Y/N just sits there, an unreadable expression on her face and he watches her. Trying to read what's in another language. Hopeless, but somehow, still... hopeful.  

Finally, Y/N's gaze meets his and he feels a spark of happiness shoots through his veins and his heart at her acknowledging him. "I came here knowing you would be different. Being in prison, and all. But I was expecting tattoos, facial hair and some scars. Maybe a pissy attitude, but... you're the complete opposite. You've cleaned up. Completely, I mean... " A sensitive smile graces her face, and she gestures to him. "You're wearing a light colour that isn't white!" 

"Haha, yes. I guess this handsome face was meant for better things then black, navy and camo." Trois chuckles, instantly feeling lighter now that he's apologised. "I suppose prison suits me." 

"I guess so!" 

Then there's a nice silence. Companionable silence. Just, some old friends-although they were a lot more then that,- , smiling at each other in a very more then friends kind of way. "Well, I like this version of you better." Y/N finally decides. 

"Oh, yes? What is it, my new look? My unwavering charisma, as Kiji put it earlier, or the fact that I'm behind glass?" 

Giggling, and successfully making Trois want nothing more then wrap her up in his arms,  Y/N nods. "I think its a mix." Trois suffers a mini heart attack when she half hoods her eyes, though. "I wouldn't mind it at all if the wall wasn't there though." 

Before Trois can stop silently choking and respond, maybe asking her that all important question about her undergarments, Y/N gets up from her seat and Trois is forced to raise his head to look at her properly. "You're leaving already?" 

"I've seen all that I needed to see." She responds cheekily, pulling her bag over her head and then releasing her hair from under the strap. 

"But- wait- There's more I want to talk to you about-" 

"I'm sure there is. And I might just come back tomorrow to fulfill those needs." She winks. "But you'll have to wait and see." 

Then, Y/N turns her back on him and leaves the room out the visitors door, leaving Trois feeling far more confused and excited then he's ever been before. 

He definitely will wait and see. She's already got her wrapped around her pinkie finger. 

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