Samon x Guard!Reader || Your Bleeding Heart

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*Set right after Mao gets all up in Samon's grill and then our poor monkey runs off(Does he 'run' off in the anime?? Sorry, I've just been reading the manga). Before Kiji dishes the best bitch slap ever. 


As soon as you see Samon let go of Mao and move to leave, you get up from the couch to go after him, filled with sorrow and protectiveness for him. 

"Samo-" You cut off, being too late as he runs from the room before you can finish his name. The sight tears your heart in half, and you grit your teeth, turning to Mao with a furious glare. What the hell is wrong with him?! You want to inform him of what a fucking bastard he's been, but as you're not the type to pick a fight... you swallow your words and turn to sprint after the building 5 supervisor. 

You and Samon have never been close, but now you definitely wish you were. Just to prove to him that Mao is wrong. You had wanted to be friends with him since you met the supervisors in this prison, above the rest. He just seemed... to have a lot more substance, then the others. While still being cute and humorous, with his icy poles. The rest were wonderful too-well, most of them, you think and push the though of that cat bastard out of your mind as you continue to run,- , but for some reason you always wanted to be friends with Samon. 

Alas, you never did. Whether you were busy, or he seemed busy, or you chickened out, you never managed a conversation with him longer then 7 minutes. Not any fault of you incompatibility either, it just... things always got in the way. 

What are you even doing?? You haven't ever even held a 10 minute conversation with the guy!! He's probably going to push you away. 

Somehow that thought doenst stop you though, and you keep running until you find yourself within 5 feet of the guy and finally stop. Your legs are shaky, not because of the running but because you're nervous, and your mouth is dry but you... really, don't like the angry, hurt way he's hunched. It hurts your heart. 

Oh, fuck. My stupid bleeding heart. 

"Samon," Oh god, what do you even say? Why didn't you think of this? You don't go any closer, and you definitely don't attempt to put a hand on his shoulder for comfort in fear he might lash out -anyone would, with great emotional strain like this,- , so you just stand and think for a moment about what you could say. The only indication you get from him that he even knows you're there, is a slight twitch that his head gives, as if he was about to turn to you but thought better of it. He isn't ready. Understandable. You decide to keep your voice strong and steely, when you speak, as to not get too emotional with the man you barely know. "I'm sorry that Mao said those things, most of us don't think that at all." 

"But, some do." He responds nearly immediately, like he was ready. Your heart gets heavier as you look at him with furrowed eyebrows and a deep, sad frown. Samon suddenly takes his fist and slams it into the wall that he's facing, making your heart jump, but you don't show it on the outside. He grits his teeth. "They think... " He sounds purely furious, his voice conveying the very level or anger that's whirling in him. "They think I'm like him??" 

"Only simple minded people." Is the response that comes out of your mouth before you can think it through. You nearly fear you've insulted him, before you see Samon forcefully relax himself and stand up straighter. His fist comes off the cracked wall, too. He still doesn't look at you though. 

"Heh, yeah?" 

"Yes," You insist, in earnest, getting more confident and causing him to turn and look at you with those bright eyes that caught your own the first time you came to this prison. He looks interested, the pain from a moment ago cleared away. Of course, you know its still there, its always going to be there because small, simple, idiotic minded people will always look and him and see the huge, loud, horrible thing that Enki did. But at least its pushed back again, for now. "Only idiots judge a book by the authors other works. I mean, heh. No one judges Harry Potter off of The Casual Vacancy." 

For a moment, Samon just smiles at you a bit in appreciation. The attention makes you uncomfortable... but not in a bad way. In a 'start of something new' kind of way. So, scary. But also exciting. Then, abruptly, he rights himself and offers you his hand to shake. "You're Building 3's assistant supervisor, Y/N, right?" 

"Yeah," You agree, and shake his hand firmly like your parent taught you. "I think this is our first proper talk." 

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that now." The monkey-like supervisor grins, and its infectious, making you beam back. 

___ 2 Years Later ___ 

"Uhh, do we absolutely have to go to work today?" You enquire quietly from your side, snuggled comfortable and warm the bed you and your boyfriend, Samon Gokuu have been sharing for months now. "I'm sure Kiji and Inori can handle things for the day... " 

A scoffing laugh comes from Samon. "... I don't think so. Pheasant brains, maybe, but Inori? Numbers 58 and 2 will end up trampling him... and he wont even wake up from his nap! Lazy bastard... " 

"Let them! He deserves a bit of trampling. Even some qigong! It might help!" Another scoff/laugh is your response. this one more sincere, as he likes the thought. "Okay, another guard can take over, then. You haven't taken a day off in forever!" 

Grinning at your exaggeration and rolls over to be face to face with you, Samon reaches under the blankets simultaneously and retrieves your hand, lacing your fingers together and successfully upsetting the butterflies in your stomach, in the most delightful way. Goodness, how does he still do that? You two have been dating for a little less then 2 years! What is wrong with you??? 

Honestly, though. Your complaints are nonsense. You would be worried if there were no more butterflies. It's just funny. 

"You know I'd prefer to stay away from work with you all day, but I cant... " 

Such a workaholic. Nearly as bad as Hajime. 

One look at his honest, sensitive wide eyes though and you know you cant blame him. Instead, because he has to stay home today, you shuffle closer to him and, being a little lower on the pillows you up at him the most heartfelt that you have in a while. "... what if I said I was planning something for you today, and it absolutely had to be today, because otherwise I might chicken out." 

A cheeky, curious smirk appears on your boyfriends mouth. "What is it?" 

"I didn't say it was true! Just, 'if'... " Samon gives you a raised eyebrow, 'seriously/', kind of look and you grin sheepishly. "Okay, I do have something." 

"What will you chicken out of?" 

"You'll have to wait and see, cute monkey!" 

"DON'T CALL M- Uhhh," You giggle uncontrollably at his knee jerk reaction to the name, and the trailing off he's done, looking off to the side embarrassedly. He hears you, and sets you with another cheeky look. "Well? What is it? Because if it isn't important then I've gotta shower." He points with his thumb to the bathroom attached the the bedroom, and starts to get up, making you panic and pull him back down, making him laugh. 

Biting your lip, you think for a moment. Then let out a slow breath. "Okay... what if I said I was going to propose to you?" 

That wipes the cheeky grin off his face. Samon looks shocked for a moment, red rimmed eyes even wider then usual... before an excited beam rips across his mouth. "I'd say that's a good reason to stay home!!"

Relieved, you beam back. "Really??" 


Instead of answering with words this time, you just lean right forward, wrapping your arms around his neck -him moving so your right arm can get under his neck, from instinct at this point,-  and kiss him. 

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