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(Cover Photo) Blair Ryder's POV

I walked through the prison with the Warden. We were in the deeper parts where the lowest of lost souls are held or some for their safety are kept out the general public ... mishaps of war. Secrets the government did not want out. I take 25 every 3 months from several prisons in the states and do as I please. They question me sure but my actions give them their answers... how I do it is none of their concern. "How was the ride over here?" Warden asked. Was that her real name no but for the intelligence of the prisoners that's all I would call her while in their earshot. Her real name was Rebecca Crane.

"I didn't mind it however , I rather get back to my middle of nowhere. You understand?" I replied and she nodded. "See anything you like?" she asked and I shook my head.

"Lets go down another level," I suggested and she paused. "I must remind you ... anyone below this level is scheduled for execution. They've proven to be-"

"I don't care for your warning Warden. Just that the debt is paid," I said sternly and she nodded and led me downstairs. There was some screams , crying and looks from the mentally deranged.

"Adrianna Scarlett," I said and Warden gasped at the name. "How did y-"

I snaked my arm around hers and threw her into the wall, unholstering her gun and putting the barrel to the hollow of her chin.

"I don't like secrets. I got you this job and I expect you to be grateful. Adrianna Scarlett. 5'7. African American. She has one green eye and one blue eye. Age 19. Species Undetermined. I want her now," I ordered flicking my hazel eyes red and licking my fangs.

She nodded slightly and I smirk as she led the way to the farthest one down the hall. The girl was truly imprisoned. Her mouth in a muzzle, blindfolded , limbs stretched and bound to the wall behind her. The only way you could tell she was breathing was from the slight lift of her diaphragm .

"Open the gate," I said and she glanced at me in disbelief. "Bl-"

"Open. The. Gate."

She opened it and as I stepped in the girl immediately began to pull at her chains. "Doesn't seem to be working does it?" I said calmly and she only pulled harder.

"Stop," I demanded but she ignored me. I walked closer and closer to her and placed my finger on her forehead. "Sleep."

Her head fell. "I want her taken for examination," I ordered the Warden and she shook her head. "It's too dangerous for our staff," she replied. "I'm really beginning to question what your existence is good for? Very well then. She'll be examined at my facility also ... Xavier and Damon Colt," I chose and she sighed, "You won't be able to return her. To transport her is risky."

"I didn't plan on returning her," I said walking past her.

I headed to the van and to my men. I fucking hate winter. "Alright then, the brothers will ride casually with me. Scarlett will be bound in the van, completely immobile and four of you will watch and ride with her. Do not get curious boys. Eye contact is all she needs. Am I understood?"

They nodded and I waited for the Colts to be escorted out. "Heard all about you," Xavier said.

"I'm sure you have. How was your stay?" I asked and Damon sized me up. "Vampire?"

"Even worse," I answered and they both smirked at the quick comeback. They didn't trust me and that's fine I didn't want them to yet. They always try and escape the first month and I wanted them to try.

"Here she comes," my most trusted advisor Hayden said and my attention turned. Scarlett's ankles were chained very closely together, she was in a straitjacket that had chain wrapped around it. A muzzle and blindfold also restricted her. They led her into the van where my men spent no time securing her. "I picked the best to accompany her in the back of the van and we'll also be driving in formation," Hayden spoke and I nodded.

"I can't let you take her and the brothers. How am I supposed to explain-" I cut the Warden off by aiming my gun at her head. In a instant red dots were all over me and my men. "So here's what we'll do Rebecca.. say nothing to the higher authority," my eyes flicked red and I found the source of each red laser and slowly they all turned to Rebecca. "I don't want to do this... " I slowly turned the lasers on each other. Nobody would die ... just be injured.

"Blair you've m-made your point... The authority will know you took .. took n-nothing more than what you were o-o-owed," she shook and I flashed her a smile and waved goodbye.

I got in the car with the brothers and for most of the trip it was silent. "Where are we going?" Xavier asked and I turned to him, "I have a ... hmm ... well you will see. In our time there you will be getting back up to par. I know you were imprisoned for 4 years. You look good for 24 and 20. Not even old enough to drink. Tragic," I smirked and he clenched his fists.

"You don't know shit about us!" Xavier stated and his brother side eyed him.

"Xavier I didn't pick you because of how interesting your folder was. I have no issue admitting I picked you because of your skill. I know everything about you ... I just don't know you," I finished and he glanced at his brother and then looked out the window.

"Scarlett ... she killed a couple of them. Guy was hollerin' , begging for his daughter, then shot himself. A woman ... they had finished bathing her and were putting her shackles back on... Scarlett killed the woman with her legs.. strangled her and didn't even flinch ... the others .. were bites.. they started feeding her through an IV," Damon said and I nodded. Damon had a soft voice but it was rough ... he was of higher education I knew that from his files but he didn't show it here. I played along. "It's going to take a bit to stabilize her," I responded and Damon gave a glance of doubt.

I rolled my eyes, must I do everything?

"The three of you ran together. Damon you were 17 I believe?" Xavier glared at me and then him and his brother shared a glance.

"We weren't going to win the fight.. too much cops. Xavier was shot real bad and I had only two bullets left. That's when she .. I guess .. snapped? Her eyes ... they.."

"Went red?" I suggested and he shook his head.

"No .. well yeah. One went gold , the other red. She was so fast , like nothing you had seen before. Just a massacre... after that they weren't looking for us.. they wanted to arrest her. She could've ran off if she wanted but I think she wanted to leave such a disaster that my brother and I faded.... I don't even think she knew we were in there with her. She been in the bottom for awhile."

Nothing I didn't already know..

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