Hotel Savior

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Bianca walked on the sidewalk, her silky white blazer moving along with her ankles.  She knew what she had to do, she knew that she had to retrieve her Hotel from Carlito, even if it was the last thing she did.  She walked faster and faster as her ambition grew.  She realized that she had so much passion about this Hotel, that she would kill for it.  More specifically, she would kill Carlito for it.  Just as she approached the outside of the Hotel, she started running, even though she was wearing heels that were higher than a group of potheads.

She opened the doors, still running as fast as she could.  Carlito was standing right behind the support beam in the entrance room.  He smiled mischievously, and Bianca definitely knew what that meant.  He was going to try to make a deal with her.  But would she give in?

"Bianca, we can talk about this, like normal adults." he said shakily.  "Just give me a chance.  Maybe I could arrange something.  Maybe I can make this Hotel in better condition.  How is that?  I know that that's what you would want!  So what do you say?"

She looked at him with an unimpressed facial expression.  "Normal adults, huh?" she asked in her confident Spanish accent.  Then, she laughed, as if he had just told her a joke.  "You should know that I am not a normal adult.  Not one bit, Carlito.  That is why I must tell you, that I'm sorry for what I am about to do." she said, pulling a pistol out of her pocket and pointing it at him.  Suddenly, Carlito's skin turned paler than before and his eyes became filled with fear.

"Please, don't shoot!" he stammered, putting his hands above his head.

She laughed.  "Carlito, I think some part of you knows that I will not shoot.  At least not yet.  I would like to play with my prey before I actually kill it.  That is why I would like to play against you, in a game of 'Juego De La Muerte'.  If you win, I'll let you go and you and I can be co-owners of the Hotel.  However, if you lose, you will die.  And I will get to decide if you have a slow, painful death, or a quick and easy death.  So, if I were you, I would play my cards wisely."  

In case you didn't know, "Juego De La Muerte" means "Game of Death" in Spanish.  She pulled a box out of one of the shelves in the entrance room.  She sat the box on a table in the entrance room, beside the door.  She opened it, revealing four boards with several different symbols on them and 50 cards.  Bianca set up the boards and fairly shuffled and dealt the cards, while Carlito kept his full attention on her, not a single blink came from his eyes, just to make sure that she wasn't cheating.  After all, at this very moment, his life depended on it.

"Who shall go first?" asked Carlito.

She rested her chin on her hand.  "You will.  I would like to study my prey."

"But that's not fair-" he said, before she cut him off.

"Yes it is, Carlito.  Studying is not cheating; it's simply watching." she explained.  She noticed that he looked hesitant.  "Well, come on.  It's literally now or never."  Carlito drew a card from his deck.  It had an image of a snake on the back, which was the same image that Bianca had in one square, in the corner of her board.  However, Carlito did not have the image of a snake anywhere on his board, which meant that Carlito did not win that round, he lost, and Bianca won.  "Thank you very much." Bianca said as she grabbed the card from his hand and placed it on the corner of her board, right where the snake was.

Suddenly, Carlito's heart started racing and he started breathing heavier than before.  He opened the door and ran as fast as he could outside, but he tripped on the stairs, and before he could let himself stand, Bianca shot him in his left knee.  He cried in pain as the blood from his knee soaked his clothes and trickled down to his ankle.  He obviously couldn't walk, so he sat still, holding his knee.  Bianca laughed as this was happening.  Finally, she pointed the pistol at his head.

"Any last words, Carlito?" Bianca asked, the gun still pointed at his head.

He laid down, his body filled with pure pain and agony.  "Tell my family that I loved them!" he cried.  Immediately after that, she shot him right between the eyes.  She watched the life leave his whole body.  She wasn't scared, not at all.  But she wasn't happy either, she was just relieved that the Hotel was hers.  It was now her property and her property only.  And now she finally knew, that yes, she would killed for that Hotel.  She just had.

She bent over his dead corpse and grabbed the wallet out of his pocket.  She opened it and was surprised to see that there were several hundred dollar bills in both pockets.  She wondered if he had got paid that much money at one of his side jobs, because while he was working for her as her assistant, he would've never got paid that much money from her any day of his career.

She wiped the gun off with the bottom of her blazer and put it in Carlito's hand, as if he had killed himself.  After all, he had much reason to and everybody knew it, so it wouldn't be much of a shocker for anyone.

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