[46] the bahamas.

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Colby's Pov

w o r d s: 1546

p a g e s: 5

We were packing last minute things the day before we head to the Bahamas. "I can't believe we leave for the Bahamas tomorrow!" Ari smiled. "I know, it's crazy" I smiled kissing her shoulder. "It'll be so weird without Apryl and Alec" she says sadly. "Don't worry, baby they're in good hands" I squeeze her ass making her jump. "I hope so" she glares playfully. I laughed stuffing months of clothes in a single suitcase. "Will I ever lie to you?" I asked. "I'm not sure" she sits on the bed watching me. "Wow, I feel offended" I say gasping. Ari laughs. "Okay, are you done packing?" I asked. "Not yet, just my toilet trees but I can do it in the morning" she stated stretching her arms. "Tired?" I asked scooping her up like a child. "I just want cuddles" Ari stated in my neck. I felt her sucking leaving hickeys. I groan, she knows that it's my weakness.

I lay her on the bed, her feet wrapped around my waist. "I love you, so much" I say attacking her neck. "I love you" she groans. I love that sound, still. "I need you" I growled. "Use me" she batted her lashes at me. That made me so hard it was ridiculous. "You make me so fucking crazy" I say kissing her lips letting my hands wander to in between her thighs knowing damn well she doesn't wear any underwear. She gasps as I grazed her. "Oh, what's the matter?" I tease causing her to glare at me. I laugh sticking a finger in. "Fuck" she cusses.


It was early in the morning, around 4am. The Bahamas here we come! I wake up Ariana who was about to hit me. "Baby, the Bahamas are calling our names" I whisper kissing her neck. Ariana rubs her eyes. "Wooo" she says unenthusiastically her voice groggy with sleep. "Come on baby" I say. "I'm up" she snapped rubbing her eyes. Her baby hairs were sticking up in all directions, like Anna in Frozen. I stifle a laugh as she enters the bathroom. "Did you take a shower yet?" Ari asked. "No, why?" I asked. "Want to?" she wiggled her eyebrows. "Oh god yes, it's going to be a long ass flight" I say hopping off the bed and practically running after her. I hear the water turning on. "Fuck" I grunt as she unclothed herself. She looks so gorgeous; I hate it so much but I love it too. She's too perfect for me yet, she chose to live the rest of her life with me.

We showered and headed to the airport. I was so nervous to see the beautiful island. I knew Ari would be so excited to see it. The car ride was so long it felt like forever. We thanked the uber driver and headed our way. We made our way through security and stopped to pee and get Starbucks. We need a shit ton of coffee. We also loaded up on snacks and other drinks. "I'm exhausted but so excited!" Ari squealed. "I know baby, me too" I say smiling. I never seen her this happy before. I think this is the first time she is ever been out of the US. I've been out of the US a handful of times, with Elton for TFIL. I'm glad I can actually take my time and look around.

The plane was boarding when we got to our gate. "Just in time!" Ariana smiled. "Yeah, let's go, do you have our tickets?" I asked. She nods wiggling her backpack. I unzip it and grabbed the tickets. I handed them to Ari and she handed the tickets to the lady. "Have a nice flight" she smiled. "Thank you" I smiled. We took our seats, Ari having the window and I was in the middle. I text everyone saying we are taking off but in reality, we were still on the ground.


We were finally in the beautiful Bahamas. The weather was scolding, but it felt different here than in Cali. We got our bags and got our rental car. "God it's beautiful" Ari looks around in awe. "Yeah" I say nodding as we drove our convertible to our Airbnb. We were both so tired and jet lagged. "I'm going to crash so goddamn hard" I say. "Agreed" Ari says putting up her feet on the dash. We drove listening to some station I never heard before. Ariana switched it to a rap station. "Much better" I said nodding along. "You're welcome" she laughs videoing the scenery. It was super beautiful, I never seen anything like it before.

We arrived at the Airbnb. It was HUGE like mansion sized HUGE. It was modern with floor to ceiling windows. A beautiful pool in the back and a huge drive way. "Holy fuck" Ari stated with wide eyes. "Yeah, fuck it's so pretty" I say parking the car. "I'm excited to see what the inside looks like" she stated. "And I can't wait to see all the places I can bend you over" I smirked. Ari smacked me playfully. "What? I know what you're bringing and I can't wait" I say again smirking getting our suitcases. "Babe, please" Ari's lips escape a yawn. "Sorry, baby we can sleep first" I say unlocking the front door. It was so pretty, it was clean. White flooring, white everything with black and dark grey accents. I know Ariana loves it, that's why I picked it.

We unpacked and went to the local grocery store to get a few things. The weather was so nice here it's over whelming plus everyone is so nice and friendly here. When we arrived back home and unpacked our groceries for two months we decided to go to the beach before we sleep the day away. Ari changed into a sexy red two piece. "Fuck" I groan as she walks out. I can tell it's new. "What? I need to look great here" Ari stated shrugging. "Yeah, but not FUCKABE" I grumble ignoring the tightness of my swim shorts. Ariana's eyes wander to my shorts and blushes. "What?" I asked. "Nothing, nothing just I think someone's happy to see me" my wife smirked. Now I'm the one blushing. "I can't help it" I whine. She laughs grabbing her bag. "Cover up please I'm losing my goddamn mind seeing you like that" I groan. "Cole, control yourself" she teased. "I'm deprived, what do you expect?" I say grabbing two Fiji waters. "I guess we can do something, because I'm losing my goddamn mind seeing you like that" Ari smirked. "Thank you, lord!" I exclaimed picking her up and throwing her on the sofa. She laughs as I kiss her neck.

We laid on the floor exhausted. "That was amazing" I say panting. "Very" she nods slipping on her bathing suit again. I do the same. "Our first fuck in another place, how do you feel?" I asked. "Accomplished? Is that weird?" she asked. "Not at all" I shake my head. "Cool" she smiled placing a straw hat on her head and shades to cover her eyes. I put on my shades and we headed out. The drive was about twenty minutes, not that bad. It was packed, not as packed if we were in Cali. We paid to get in and spent the rest of the day at the beach.


In the morning I was so disoriented I didn't know where I was. Then I remembered we were in the Bahamas. The sun was so bright it shone through the blinds. Ari was on my chest still asleep. I moved slightly so I can pee. I heard her stir but was sleep. I peed and did my morning routine. Ariana was awake now stretching. "Morning princess" I smiled. "Morning" she smiled softly while yawning. She shuffled to the bathroom to pee and wash her face. I went into the kitchen to make coffee and breakfast. The ocean waves softly crashing on the distance, people talking outside. I heard a flush and a door open and shut. Ari was in a towel. "That was a quick shower" I say. "Yeah, I smelled like the beach from yesterday" she laughs taking my mug and taking a sip. "Hey!" I glared at her. She just shrugs. I pull off her towel and she quickly covers herself. "Rude!" Ari squealed. I laughed.

We went into town to get culture. "God it's so nice" Ariana swoons. "It really is" I smiled gripping her hand. "Colby!" a fan called. I turn around and a fan is running towards us. "Hi!" I smiled hugging him. It's rare to meet a male fan. We took pictures with him and he showed us around for a while. It was great hanging out with a fan for a day, or a few hours. We thanked him for the tour. We were now on our own. Ari suggested we should go to an art museum. "I didn't know you liked art?" I say. "I do, actually I never been to a museum in Cali though" she tells me. "Well, let's go to a museum!" I say smiling.

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