[39] saying yes.

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w o r d s: 1581

p a g e s: 5

Everything happened so fast. Colby getting on one knee. The shooting star zooming by at the perfect time when I say, "yes, Colby" I smiled with tears forming my eyes. Colby puts the ring on my finger, making it official. "I love you, so much" he spins me around. "I love you, so much" I say with a laugh tears still streaming down my face. "I can't believe you said yes" my fiancé smiled as he puts me down. "Why wouldn't I say yes?" I asked as our fingers intertwine. He just shrugs, with a smile on his face. I'm such in a dazed state I feel like I'm high. We walked back to Colby's car and I'm now looking at the ring in light. It was fucking HUGE. "This is stunning Colby" I say feeling tears swell up in my eyes again. "I knew you would like it" he pats my thigh. I had to take a picture of it, it was to pretty not to show off. "Posting it?" he asked. "Is that okay?" I asked. "Yeah, it is" he smiled revealing his dimples. I posted the picture and everyone freaked out.


We arrived home, we were still coming down from our amazing anniversary day. If you were to tell me that today or any day I would date my best friend I would have told you were insane, you were the mad hatter in Alice in Wonderland. Colby picked me up bridal style and went into the bedroom. "My future wifey" he whispered. "My future husband" I whispered back with a smile as I fall on my back. Colby's soft lips met mine. I love how he kisses. Soft yet hungry. "Colby" I whisper. "Ariana" he whispered back. Our kiss became more and more intense. He began to unzip my dress and I take off his shirt. It was slow, more intimate than usual. It was a celebration for us, making our lives become one. It was a celebration for us, making us complete. I love him so much more for this, this moment right here.

Our legs were intertwined with each other. I'm laying on his chest while he plays with my hair. It's the best feeling in the world. "Baby?" Colby asked. "Hm?" I asked. "Thank you" he smiled softly in my hair. "For what?" I asked looking at him. "For bring you, for being my rock through everything" I noticed through the dark his eyes were welting with tears. I sit up and face my fiancé. "Baby?" I asked. "Hm?"I asked. "Thank you" he smiled softly in my hair. "For what?" I asked looking at him. His blue eyes shifted.

"For being my rock, through fucking everything through my breakup, through my stressful times and just being there without any judgment" his voice choked up. "Colby" I say gently cupping his face with both hands. A single tear fell down his gorgeous face. "Baby, where is this coming from?" I asked. "I'm just happy, with you and everything that happen so far" he sniffles. "Baby" I cup his face again. "I'm sorry, Ariana" he chuckles through the tears. I hold him then I realized I was crying too. Colby has never been this valuable with me in a while. I don't know how to feel about it.


It was the morning after our anniversary and we were both so tired. So, we decided to just stay in bed all day and finish our shows. It was nice just to chill and not caring about what we look like. I love that we can have days all the time now. I look down at my ring, our love becoming official. Our romance becoming stronger. Our relationship shifts into adult hood and making our lives one for a change. I look at Colby who was sleepily scrolling through Instagram. He side glances at me. "What?" he asked setting his phone down. "Nothing, just looking" I smiled kissing his cheek. He laughs and kisses my lips. "I love you" Colby's hands gripped my hips. I bit inside of my cheek. "I love you" I smile. "Starting to get soaked, aren't we?" Colby's fingers start to rub my pussy. I moan in response. He knows just how to make me purr for him. My legs began to buckle. "Not yet" he cooed. "Ah, Colby" I sighed wanting release. "Let me play first" he nips at my skin.

I was a panting mess when he was done with me. I always love the way he makes me feel afterwards. "I love how you make me feel" I pant. "Good, because I love the way you feel" he smirked tracing my very sensitive breasts. "Cole" I grit my teeth moving my hands to the band of his underwear. I felt him stiffen. "What's the matter, Colby?" I coo going inside. He was already hard. "Don't, don't do that" he groans gripping my hand. "Why not?" I asked smirking. Colby tossed his head back. I love how much he can come undone just by a single touch.

Colby's in the bathroom cleaning himself. I get up and make breakfast. "Baby!" Colby called as I reach the kitchen. "Yeah?" I asked. "Can you hand me my phone?" he asked. "I suppose" I laughed. "Thanks baby!" I can hear him smiling. I shake my head and swipe the phone off the charger to take it to him. "Here" I say as I reach the bathroom. "Thanks, you're the best" Colby was in a towel. "I know" I smirk as he kisses me. He laughs as he disappears back into the bathroom. "I'm making breakfast, what do you want?" I asked. "Surprise me, baby!" Colby says. "Cool" I say walking back into the kitchen. I look through the cupboards and fridge. We had nothing for breakfast. I sighed whipping out my iPhone and Postmate breakfast for us.

Colby came into the kitchen wearing plaid jeans and a black short sleeved shirt. His hair was still damp and unkempt. "Food's here" I say shaking the bag. "No home cooked meal?" he joked. "Funny, I need to go shopping for food" I tell him handing him his Denny's bag. "I can go, baby it's no big deal" my fiancé tells me. "Colby, I need to get out of this apartment" I say feeling my stomach squeezed like I was going to vomit. "Gah! Fuck" I could feel the prickle of goosebumps form on my skin. "What's the matter?" Colby asked. "I feel like I'm going to vomit" I say rushing to the bathroom. I hear Colby rush after me. My head was in the toilet when he arrived. I felt his hands pull up my hair. "Is it the baby?" he asked. I groan in response. This'll never get easy. I forgot how brutal morning sickness is. "It's okay baby doll, let it out" he rubs my back as I hurl.


Colby was recording all day and I was in bed all day and my head in the toilet too. I just them out of me so I don't have to go through the phases anymore. I felt like I was having the WORST hang over in my life. I had plenty of those in the past. I scroll through Instagram, liking fanarts and edits of Colby and I. Some gossip pages talking shit about our relationships and other drama going on that I don't care about. Dating an Influencer and being an Influencer it's like being in a web all the time. Some people talk shit about you and your relationship being fake or using each other for clout. (I hate that word so much lol). It gets to you sometimes, okay all the time. I don't want to tell Colby about it because I don't want him to worry about me. I know I shouldn't be reading gossip pages about my relationship but I can't help it.

My fiancé came home while I was still throwing up. "Baby?" Colby's voice asked. "In here" I say strained. "Oh baby" his voice went soft as he entered the bathroom. "It's been happening all day" I say hitching again. "I got you vegetable soup and crackers" Colby rubs my back. "Thanks, baby" I groan dabbing my lips and resting my forehead on his knees. I felt him kiss the back of my neck. "You're welcome, Angel" he rubs my hair. "Gah" I groan going to the sink to rinse out my mouth. "They are really kicking your ass, aren't they?" he asked rubbing my rapidly growing stomach. "Yeah" I say sighing going back into the bed. "Soon they'll be out" he smiled. "I hope so" I laughed as he disappears into the kitchen to probably getting my soup and crackers.

I'm so glad that I have him in my life again. I can't believe we are having a baby... again I can't believe everything is going so well so far. I just hope the baby can see the world for the first time and witness everything for the first time, first kiss, first boyfriend (or girlfriend), first dances etc. I want Colby to be the best father he could ever be. I wish I could be the best mom I could be. I hope that this baby can be someone empowering. I hope that this baby would love us as much as we love them.

Truth or Dare? // c.b (✔︎)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant