[07] ultraviolence.

632 11 2


w o r d s: 2988

p a g e s: 10

"'cause I was filled with poison. but blessed with beauty and rage. he hit me and it felt like a kiss."


I was back home to visit family for the weekend. I missed the snow. Cali is wonderful and all but Chicago is where my heart it. I love it. I was laying on my bed in my childhood bedroom watching the snow slowly fall down like small whispers. "Honey?" I heard mom call. "Yeah?" I call. "Come here please" she says. I sigh getting up from my bed. "What's up?" I asked going in the kitchen. "I was wondering if you want to go grocery shopping with me" mom asked. "Sure" I say with a smile. "Good, go get your boots it's snowy out there" mom joked. I laughed going to get my boots. "So, when am I going to meet Colby you talk so fondly about?" mom asked. "Mom, he's a busy man" I tell her. "So? He can take a few days off" mom smiled. "Mom, I love you but I have to ask him" I tell her. "No rush, baby but I want to meet the dad of my grandkids" mom smirked. "Mom! It's been a few weeks!" I blush. "But I want grandkids!" she laughed as I put on my hat. "I'll sure to tell him that" I laugh as we go out in the blizzard.

Mom always talks about me having grandkids. I'm the only child and I'm a female. So, every time I have a boyfriend mom asks me about them and shit like that. It's really getting old. But I know Colby is my forever. It's always been him. We got in mom's car and drove to the grocery store. "Wow, it's really snowing" I say. "Yeah, it's going to be hell going back" mom said. I nodded scrolling through socials. Colby posted a picture of us with the caption

colbybrock: Missing my baby girl so damn much.

I smiled and replied arianacameron: I miss you too baby! I'll be home in two weeks! I love you! "Why are you smiling?" mom asked. "Nothing" I look at her. "Colby?" she asked. "Maybe" I say. "I'm glad your happy, after Logan I didn't think you could love again" mom said. "It was tough, but when I met Cole a spark lit inside me" I explained. "I can't wait to meet him" she smiled. "When I come home again, I'll bring him" I smiled. "Good, I can't wait!" she laughs as she pulls in the parking lot.

We finish our shopping and headed home. The snow subsided and it was easy to get home. "How about I cook tonight" I tell her helping her with the groceries. "That'll be nice" she smiled. "Just read your romance novel and relax for a change" I tell her. "Is wine involved?" mom asked. "Always wine" I laugh. "Thank god" she joked. I made pizza from scratch while mom relaxed on the couch with wine and a good book. I put on Colby's and I's playlist we made one drunken night. We were on my bedroom floor, naked drinking some shitty alcohol while putting together a playlist. I love him so much it physically hurts.

After dinner, I went in my room to go live on Instagram. "Hello guys" I say as people came flooding in. "Where are you?" I said. "I'm back in my home city, Chicago" I replied. "Hi Colby" I smiled. "I miss you" he wrote. "I miss you more, Cole" I said blowing a kiss to the camera. "Do you want kids someday?" someone wrote. "Someday I want too! But not right now I'm in my twenties!" I laugh. "Who do you want to be your baby daddy?" Colby typed out. "Geez I wonder who that would be baby" I say with a smile. So many people were saying things like 'awww!' and 'I ship y'all so hard!' and 'I love you so much!' I kept answering questions. "Okay guys I'll be on tomorrow! Love you all!" I say waving good bye and ending the stream. I got ready for bed and said good night to my mom. I scrolled through socials again until I was ready to sleep.

In the morning I heard screaming and yelling. Dad came home drunk I bet. I covered my ears to block out the screaming. "GO TO HELL RICK!" I heard mom yell. "FUCK YOU!" I heard him say then I heard a loud smack. Dad hit my mom which made my blood boil. I got up and stormed out. "DAD LEAVE!" I holler. "DON'T GET INTO THIS LITTLE GIRL!" He screams. "YOU'RE NOT MY REAL DAD! YOU'RE A FUCKING STRANGER!" I scream. Dad's face was red with anger. "Dad, just go" I say kneeling with mom tears in my eyes. "I'm not coming back" he tells me and goes in their room to pack. "Are you okay, mom?" I asked tears in her own eyes. "I'm fine, honey" she smiled softly. I glare at my dad who walked out of their room. He looks at me with sadden eyes. I don't know this man. This man was a complete stranger. When I was younger, my father taught me how a man should treat a woman. "Remember, Ana if a man touches a lady with force, he isn't a man he's a boy" dad said to me. My dad was a boy, not a man. "Goodbye, dad" I say flatly. "Goodbye, Ana I love you" the stranger says and leaves. "How long was that going on for?" I asked helping my mom up off the ground. "Far too long, Ariana" mom said meekly. "You should have called someone, you should have called me" I tell her. "I know sweetheart, I just didn't want you to worry about little old me" mom said as I got frozen peas. "Here, it'll help the swelling" I say. "Thanks" she smiled softly.

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