[45] i do, do you?

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w o r d s: 1680

p a g e s: 5

"cat and mouse for a month or two or three / now I wake up in the night and watch you breathe / I hate accidents / except when we went from friends to this"

A few months pass and tomorrow is our wedding. My girls and I are in a separate hotel gossiping about anything and everything. Colby and his friends are the room next to us. Nerves bubbled like champagne in my stomach. Devyn was doing my makeup as Kat was doing my hair. Xepher was ironing my dress. "I'm so nervous" I say as Dev puts a generous amount of highlighter on the highs of my cheeks, corners of my eyes and everywhere else. "You should be, you're marrying someone who is so good to you" Tara stated smiling. "Thanks guys" I smiled dabbing my eyes. "Aw, Ari don't cry" Devyn stated with a soft smile. "Sorry, I'm just over the moon" I say sniffling. "You should be" Tara places her hand on my shoulder. I sniffled again as Devyn touched up my makeup. "Sorry, Dev" I laughed through my tears. "It's okay, I'll touch it up when we go to the venue" Devyn stated. I nodded getting up from the chair. I slipped on street clothes and we all headed to the venue. Colby and the boys are already there getting ready for the big day. I couldn't even imagine marrying Colby or even making it this far. A twenty-four-year-old and a twenty-three-year-old starting a family, many people would have thought that we are to young, but we aren't we are mature adults whom loves each other so much.


My grandfather walks me down the aisle as soon as the song plays Colby looks so dashing in a navy-blue suit. My eyes wandered to Brennen, Sam, Elton, Corey, Aaron, Jake standing there looking at me with tears in their eyes. They all looked dashing, like princes. I felt my eyes swell up with tears. "You look beautiful, Ari" Colby whispered. "So, do you" I smiled. It went by so quickly I felt like I was on cloud nine. Soon enough, we were saying our vows to each other. "Ariana, when I first saw you I knew you were the one, the ONLY one for me, I'm so glad you're in my life forever because we just get each other so much I don't think I can see anyone with you besides me, yes that sounds selfish but it's true" Colby wipes his eyes and a laugh. My head falls to one side and smiles. I say my vows when he was finished. "Colby when I first saw you when I walked in the Frat House, I instantly fell in love with you, it's like something flipped inside me like a light switch. I knew I wanted to be with you, forever and now I never been happier in my entire life" I sniffled.

The wedding was over. The moment we said 'I do' our lives changed for the better. We are now in the reception people congratulated us. I was now in a white jump suit so it'll be easier to dance and move. My family kept saying that they wished mom was here to see her beautiful daughter married, with kids and glowing with happiness. My eyes began to water again. I do wish my mom was here to meet Cole again, I even wish my dad was here to meet Cole. I think I was a little harsh on him. I know I was. "Hey, are you okay?" Cole asked grabbing my hand. "Yeah, yeah just thinking about my mom and dad, wishing they were here witnessing everything" I say smiling softly. "I know baby" he kissed my temple. "Let's mingle" I say snapping out of my sad episode. "Let's" Colby nods as we walked to Brennen. "There's the lovely couple!" Corey smiled. "Hey guys" I smiled hugging everyone. "You guys look so beautiful" Sam's eyes turned red. "Aw Sammy" I say squeezing him and kissing his cheek, leaving a dark maroon stain. "Sorry, sorry I still can't believe you two are going to move away and leave us" Sam laughs. "Sam, we aren't leaving" Colby smacks his back. I excuse myself to see my aunt I haven't seen since my mom's funeral. "Auntie" I say smiling. "Oh baby, you look so beautiful" my aunt Jan smiled. "Thank you, Auntie so do you" I say smiling. "Your mother would be so proud" she smiled. "I know she would" I say. We talked until food was served. Everyone ate the Italian food we settled on. It was the best Italian food ever.

After the food Colby and I had our first dance to Taylor Swift's Paper Rings. I sang to Colby while dancing. This moment, I want to savor it. Take in the feeling I'm feeling. Every single person's eyes are on us, taking in the moment too recording the moment. "I love you, Mrs. Brock" Colby whispered in my ear. "I love you, Mr. Brock" I whispered back smiling. "I still can't believe it, you're mine forever" Colby's amazing eyes shined with tears. I wiped his tears away. Soon enough, the song was over and an upbeat track played I don't recognize. I assume Colby did the playlist knowing damn well my music taste. I felt a hand dragging me onto the dance floor while I was talking to one of my cousins. When I looked who was my napper it was Brennen. I smiled softly. "You look handsome" I say to him. "Thank you, you look beautiful Ari" he says. "Thank you" I say blushing softly. "So, how is the married life?" B asked. "It's weird, I don't feel any different" I laughed as he spun me. "You will, I haven't been married but you'll feel different" Brennen stated. "You're very wise, Brennen Taylor" I joked. "Why thank you, Ariana Brock" he smirked his boyish smirk which I still love so much. "You're welcome" I smiled. We danced until Sam asked to dance with me.

We talked, laughed and joked when Colby asked to dance with me. "Brennen is hooking up with your childhood friend in the bathroom right now" Colby whispered. "What?!" I was shocked, I mean I wasn't. Luna was eyeing Brennen all night long along with Brennen. "Yep, I kind of walked in on them" he laughs. "Well damn, I don't know if I should be weirded out or be excited for our best friends" I laughed as he dips me. "Be excited, he deserves to be happy" Cole says. "Okay true" I laughed. The night continued, and everyone was very intoxicated. Colby practically dragged me out of the venue to get 'air' we were both very, intensely horny for each other. The hotel was to far so we got inside my car to do a quickie. "I've been waiting for so long to do this" Colby growled. "Me too, baby" I say as he takes off my jump suit. "You're not wearing anything underneath?" his eyes widen. "It's a tight suit" I say undoing his belt. We are both very intoxicated and when we get intoxicated, we can't get enough of each other. "Damn right it is" he attacks my neck causing me to moan in response. After all these years, he still makes my mind all fuzzy like the first time we ever been intimate. I love it each time.


Twenty minutes passed and we were worn out. "I guess we have to go back" I laughed. "Yeah, I guess so at least we aren't drunk anymore" he teased. "Yeah" I laughed kissing his collarbone. "Let's try to get dressed" Cole stated with a smile. Even him freshly fucked he's still so beautiful it hurts. He could get anyone, and he chose me. That's the best thing that's ever happen to me. Colby is everything I ever wanted; I never knew until this very moment in time. We go out of the car and headed back into the venue to cut the cake and watch everyone go home and sleep off the hangovers. Colby and I helped cleaned up even though the cleaners told us to go home and sleep off the hangovers. We accepted after fifteen minutes. We went to the hotel room since we have tomorrow. "So, how does it feel?" Cole asked taking off his tie and smacks my ass. "Magical" I smiled struggling to take off my jumpsuit. "Here, baby doll" Colby grips my hips as he zips downwards. "Thank you, Colby" I smiled. He kisses my neck, then shoulder. I mold into him. He still makes my body weak. "Mrs. Brock will you do me the honor and go to the bed with me?" Colby asked. "It will give me the pleasure, my love" I say smiling as he picks me up and throws me to the bed. I grunt in anticipation. I love how hungry he gets when he wants me.


In the morning, we checked out of the hotel. I'm so glad that my aunt and uncle took the kids for a few months so we could go on our honeymoon, which is crazy to think about. We are going to the Bahamas first then Greece, yes Greece Cole surprised me with that one. Then some others that I haven't been. Colby has a major hang over, worse than mine. I look at his sleeping face. He looked so peaceful, like a devil disguised as an angel to ruin my life in the best way possible. "Colbert, we need to check out" I say kissing his neck. He groans, pleasure maybe? I leave a tiny hickey. He wraps his arm around my nude waist and turn me over so he's on top. "Good morning" I say smirking. "Good morning, Mrs. Brock" he stated.

Just like that, our lives became one. Our lives as Mrs. And Mr. Brock. I love him so much; I hope nothing goes wrong while we are married.

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