•05. In-composure•

Start from the beginning

Arise, o compatriots,
Nigeria's call obey,
To serve our fatherland,
With love and strength and faith,
The labour of our heroes past,
Shall never be in vain,
To serve with heart and might,
One Nation bound in freedom,
Peace and unity.

The students cheered as the song ended. A tiny smile crept onto my face as I sat back down like everyone else.

The principal, dressed in an A-line red dress that brushed her knees and black stilettoes mounted the stage for her speech.

"Hello, Prescott Students!" she waved enthusiastically as the pupils roared their hellos in excitement. "How was the weekend? We..."

I zoned out. Too much positive energy clouded the room. All these people were too happy. My eyes scanned the excited faces of the students around me. The junior beside me giggled and I cringed automatically.

The audition this morning still bugged me. The faces of the judges had been blank of the horrible expressions I knew they felt after I had sung-- the better word would be barfed-- the song. It made my anxiety for the results worse. With vigour, I shook my head.

Be happy, I reminded myself.

But when you know you have to remind yourself about being happy, then you know that happiness is far, far away.


"Hey! Was looking for you all over. Where were you?" the words rushed out in one breath as I plumped down in my seat behind Dami. Some of my classmates eyed me. I stared back until they turned away to continue talking.

I was almost late to class after looking for her again after assembly.

My friend eyed my disheveled state and smiled remorsefully. "Sorry, I should have told you I wasn't going to be in assembly today, but I didn't think it mattered."

"Oh," I mumbled, my breath resuming a stable pattern.

"Yeah, Ephraim was answering quiz questions that Principal Obi have him."

My back straightened in shock. "Wait, what?"

That smirky smile that Dami had given me on Saturday floated on her lips.

"Ephraim now attends our school, Sharie," she proclaimed sweetly.

My heartbeat resumed its wild beating, not due to running this time, but because of the idea of seeing Dami's fine cousin again.

I took in a slow breath.

Calm down.

I ignored my errant heart and cleared my throat.

"Nice... so, where is he?" I made a show of looking around the class.


"All stand and greet!" the class captain, usually the most nerdy person in the class whom the teachers love the most, jumped to her feet. I think her name's Jade.

(A/N: Jade is pronounced, Jah-day.)

"Good morning, sir. We are happy to see you. God bless you!" the class chorused as was the norm.

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