Chapter 7. the boy with the big blue eyes.

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Chapter 7. the boy with the big blue eyes.

Genma sat in the staff room kitchen counter top eating an apple. He eyed Kakashi who was lounging on the sofa reading his porn. There were a few other shinobi in the room.

Raido entered the room the scar across the man's nose makes him stand out, not only that but Genma has known him since his Genin days, Genma dragged his eyes away from the copy Nin."

"Soo, how did it go with the girl you picked up yesterday?"

Genma sighed "Don't ask she kicked me!!"

Raido laughed spotting coffee everywhere "S-she kicked you?" wiping his moth earning a scowl from Genma. "Should I ask why?"

"No!" Genma bit out.

"tell me or I'll get Anko!!" he threatened.

The bandanna wearing man sighed took another bite out of his apple before answering.

"After the lavender headed chick ran out on her, Shikaku said to pay for her meal."

Genma subtly noticed Kakashi's gaze on him the moment he mentioned the lavender headed woman, So, he's is interested in her he thought.

"And? Raido prompted.

"And all was good, we talked she was worried about her friend who had ran out on her ....and I offered to walk her to the library where she works, she had to go to the lady's room first.." throughout he could feel the copy-nin's gaze on him.

"When she came back I stood she reached over to get her bag.....but caught her foot on the table leg....I went to steady her.......and ......well......grabbed something I shouldn't have done."

Raido burst out laughing the rest of the shinobi who had also been eavesdropping erupted in to laughter.

"Not funny she kneed me in the balls......!!" he said sheepishly, subconsciously his hand covered his man hood.

That did it the men creased over laughing even Kakashi chuckled though was hidden by his book.

At that moment Nara Shikaku chose to walk in "Troublesome. Don't forget she also slapped you before stomping off..." his dark eyes were filled with mirth "also, remember to turn in that report I asked for!" With that said she spun on his heals and walked out Genma was left red in the face with his comrades all laughing at his expense.

Kakashi lazily watched as his comrades made fun of Genma. He inwardly frowned and wondered what had made Sara run off? He wanted to aske Shikaku but he knew the Nara would not give out information freely. And to pull the information from him was like pulling teeth.

So, he gave up on that.

He thought about following her again but decided against it. One he didn't feel like it and two he realised his thoughts were too occupied by her...he didn't like, didn't like it one bit. She wasn't a threat; she was a mystery. And he wasn't a people person.

What was the saying let sleeping dogs lie?

He decided today he would not think about her at all.........starting now.

He returned to reading his book.....only for his mind to wonder back to Sara, with a frustrated growl he snapped his book shut and headed out, he knew the other shinobi would assume it was too noisy for him to read. Witch his was. But now he was to agitated too read, why, why, why? Did his mind keep going back to Sara? He couldn't understand it.

His feet led him to the KIA stone he sighed and began to speak....Rin would understand he was certain of it. How he wished she was here to offer some advice.

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