Chapter 3. Day off? Too good to be true.

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Chapter 3  Dayoff? Too good to be true.

Sera quickly made  her way out of her on.e-story home a large bag in her hands, she made her way over to the orphanage, were she grow up.

She had no parents no links as far as any one knew to any clan. She had no desire to become a shinobi. Too much death in her opinion. She had chakra and new how to use it, but she didn't want to use it. Having Chakra was a gift and thought that it shouldn't be used to fight with. At least that was her take on it.

She hadn't visited in a while she felt the need to, it had always been home to her.

After the scare she had in the Hokage office yesterday she felt a little on edge. The shinobi known as Kakashi was very interesting he escorted her home, once again but remind silent, which she was thankful for.

Inoichi had give her his card and said to call in anytime. But she was still reluctant she saw power in him, the way he walked talked hell even looked at her.

Still he did manage to calm the panic attack yesterday.

The man Kakashi was a mystery to her she found it odd that he wears a mask but that's how some shinobi rolled.

She had no plans to run in to him again.

She sneezed again, she really did feel awful but the look on the kids faces what priceless. She had a bag full of toys. Bottles for the younger once and some baby foods.

It wasn't well funded. She headed through the woods. The autumn sun shone down through the light mist making rays of sunshine. It was a warm day. Warmer then it should be this time of year. She wore a black T shirt and white trousers.

As the path curved around, she could see the old building, it was lacking in care and maintenance, she frowned she really did need to come and help fix it up a bit.

It was once a brilliant white now it was grey with patches of green moss with age and lack of care.

"Sara here."

"It's Sara."

"Go get granny"

Sara smiled, as she entered through the gates the kids were already surrounded her each wanted her attention, they didn't get many visitors.

"Children!!" at the sound of the voice the kids all lined up leaving a gap for the caretaker known as Grandma to walk through.

"Sara so nice to see you..." she enveloped her in to a hug when she pulled back Sara noticed how warren the woman looked, she was getting on in years. now her hair once a lush brown was grey, her chockalott doe eyes were now a dull brown.

Sara made a mental note to drop by more often.

"Come inside dear and I'll make us some tea."

She followed the woman in to the dimly lit kitchen once again frowned there was dust and cobwebs every were.

Her decision was made on her next full week off she was coming in and cleaning.

"We manage, there's no need for that look."

"I can't help but worry for you," she said as she took a seat at the large kitchen table,

"You have your own life to lead now."

"Yea but I grow up here and this will always be my home."

The tea was brought over to her with shaking hands.

"Granma how have you been really?"

"Oh.... There's life in this old girl stop ya worrying."

Sara smile and sipped the tea. A brown-haired teen with a six-month-old baby in his arms popped in to the kitchen.

Fear and intrigue. (Kakashi/OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora