Chapter 2 But He's My Nin Dog

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Chapter two. But He's My Nin Dog

Sara admittedly didn't feel all that grate. Her right arm stung were the stitches pulled tight, her right ankle throbbed as she walked, and she felt like she was coming down with a cold or something.

She was out in the cold night rain in only her pp.'s. Her face heated up at the thought of the shinobi who had helped her last night. She had seen him walking with a book, but she never paid enough attention to what he was reading or to who he is.

She was a civilian and he a Shinobi there was a gap a BIG one. She didn't really mingle with Shinobi, not that she didn't like them but they.... well scared her a little. They were stronger then she was and she had been hurt when she was young by a Shinobi who didn't seem to know his own strength. And ever since then she's been more than a little afraid of them.

She was thankful for his help though.

She was on her way to see how Shiro was doing. She wondered if there would be away to talk them into giving him back to her. Sara was certain what he did was because of fear, even if what they said is true.

She had missed him last night, his warmth and his presence. She felt safe with Shiro around.

When she came upon the Inuzuka compound the part where you didn't need to sign in. she headed to the clinic and found Hana saying farewell to an elderly woman with a cat.

"Sara, I didn't expect to see you here again?"

Sara frowned why wouldn't she Shiro was still her dog. Wasn't he?

She ignored the sinking feeling in her stomach.

"I came to see Shiro."

"No, you can't. He's dangers to civilians"

"He's my dog"

Hana sighed "Kakashi didn't tell you, did he?"


"He's the shinobi who helped you last night."

"Oh, and tell me what?"

"I Swear Hatake" she muttered under her breath. "That the minuet it became clear he was a Nin dog. He's no longer. yours.... he becomes Konoha's I'm sorry Sara he's too dangers for you. And until the Hokage decides on what to do with him, he'll remain here?"

"What do you mean until he decides? Decides what?"

Hana closed her eyes she was really going to Kill Kakashi for this. She opened her eyes "whether he'll be put to sleep or trained as A Konoha nin dog."

Sara could feel her anger bubble "This isn't his fault though surely it lies with whoever sold the dog?"

"Partly, yes, but how do we know the dog is loyal to us. Try to understand if we train him for him to turn on us at his old owners command...." She left that unfinished.

" put him to sleep!!"

"Sara, I don't want to ever. But I understand why we might have to."

"This is wrong.... it's so wrong...." Sara spun around grimacing because of her ankle her ponytail swished as she did so.

"Where are you going?"

"To have a talk with the Hokage!!"

Kakashi stood in front of Minato giving him his report on what happened last night.

The office was warm the low autumn sun shorn in through the window Minato's face was cast in shadow, since the sun was behind him. Kakashi was just tall enough for his eye to be shielded by the blind.

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