Chapter 17. A gift, and a bounty.

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Chapter 17. A gift, and a bounty.

A week later

Kakashi, is intrigued by her ability, to amuse himself, he left notes all over the house but what he had written on them were scrubbed out.

Sara read every one of them, using her chakra. He was beginning to see why she was an asset to the village.

It lightened her mood a little, she worried about her friend and finding out that the Hokage had adopted the girl Aoi.

Both Minato and Kushina, were having problem with Aoi. The girl kept sneaking out of the house late at night, it nagged at Minato because he didn't know how she was doing it. The seal master was stumped. Much to Kakashi's amusement.

So, here he is following her to work. She glanced back at him and sighed.

"Are you done assessing my chakra?"

"Mmmm no" he answered honestly.

She rolled her violet eyes at him.

"By the way, that was a grate book," she chirped, "All of the notes are now in the order they should be, clever to write extracts from a book, but I've already read that one a while ago."

"you-you put them all in order?" he asked.

She nodded.

"That's nearly the whole book? Are you telling me you memorised the book?" surprise filled his voice.

"Well, it would seem that way but no, I didn't to be honest I'm not sure how it works itself. But when I scan the paper, I can tell how long ago it has been written, so I just put them in order of which one was written first and last. Then I began to see what it was."

Yep, definitely an asset to the villige. He thought. He still had many unanswered questions. But they could wait.

the winter cold wind blew her lavender hair, he caught a whiff of violet.

She tucked a stray strand behind her ear.

"H-Have you heard anything about Miya?"

"No, there's been no sign of her. No sighting. Naruto was the last person to see her. He said she was in a good mood and help him see that been a big brother was a good thing."

Sara hummed. 

Kakashi new if they did find her, Sara most likely wouldn't see her for a while, she would be in T&I for questioning.

He saw the look of worry on her face and couldn't find the words to comfort her.

He wasn't good at giving others comfort. He wasn't' good at offering her a safe place to stay. She was still so skittish around him. The only way he could get her to eat was by making her run until she was too tired and too hungry to argue with him.

Although she was sleeping better, the odd night where she did wake left her in a state of fear around him, that he wasn't sure how to fix.

The little touches Inoichi had suggested seem to be working though slowly. Her fear lessoned, but not enough to make her fully relax.

He had to remind himself that her stay with him was temporary and that she is a mission. There was no need to worry for her mental state, she would soon be out of his life.

They stopped at the entrance to the library.

"Well, I guess I'll see you tonight?"

"If not, I'll have one of the pack, collect you."

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