Chapter 5 meeting with the Hokage and paranoid

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Chapter 5 meeting with the Hokage and paranoid Shinobi.

Two days later.

Sara would admit she was terrified, she was currently sat outside of the Hokage office waiting to be seen, well after the last time who could blame her really?

She had arrived 15 minutes early.

She was feeling a little better now, she had stayed the Night at Kakashi house, grateful for the help, yet still fearful of him, he had walked her home the next day, she had recovered enough that she hadn't had to cancel the meeting with the Hokage.

No matter how much her fear was telling her too. She had to convince him to give her Shiro back, though she had no idea on how to do that. Despite spending two days in bed, she had hardly slept.

She wrung her hands out again, and took a deep breath, she could not have another panic attack especially in front of the Hokage. Though knowing that those hidden guards are there really dose put her on edge.

She watched the coming and goings of Shinobi and civilians alike. Though each time a shinobi did pass she tensed. No matter how much she willed her body not to. She got some strange looks from the guards at the door to the Hokage office.

She jumped at the sudden loud shout.

"This has to be a joke or something!!" a Jonin if she had to guess was staring off against an Uchiha.

"No, joke you're out of commission." The Jonin said.

"For what exactly??"

"You disobeyed a direct order YOU are not the leader of our squad I don't care what Clan you come from,"

Well that seemed to piss the Uchiha off. They air grow heavy and cold, and Sara tried to rain in her fear. She wanted to run and hide. But there was no where to go. Her bereaving had increased.

"That's enough!!"

She blinked at one of the guards who had moved away from the door.

"Need I remind you gentlemen that there a civilians present? Not only that if the Hokage catches you using that technique with civilians around...." the man left the sentence unfinished. Both men shudder knowing what the Yondaime anger was like.

"Sorry Genma, well move and discos this amicably."

"See that you do. And Rai, get off your high horse, you're giving the Uchiha a bad rep."

The black-haired man scrawled but left.

The gaud turned to Sara, who gulped.

"You alright their sweetheart?"

She gripped the edge of the chair tightly

"Don't mind them, you were in no danger here." He flashed her a smile. It eased some of her fear.

"Genma get back here you're on duty no picking up girls whilst working" the other guard reprimanded.

"Yea, yea" he winked at her she felt her cheeks heat up as the bandana wearing man went back to his post.

Sara released a breath put a hand to her forehead she was still hot. Though she probably wasn't the best to judge her own body heat. She really needed to sleep properly and let her body recover, but without Shiro she found it so hard just sleep.

When she hers the door to the office open, she looks up and freezes, Inoichi is existing the room, he gives her a friendly smile and wave, but his eyes, his eyes sweep over her she knows he sees more than most people do in one glance. A brief flash of concern crosses his features that she sees before his head is turned and he is gone. What had he discerned from one glance and to warrant the look of concern? Sure, she felt like death, but she did her best to hide it. She even drank coffee this morning she hates coffee, but it woke her up.

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