Chapter 32

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An: TW mention of rape.

"Come in."

Erwin's voice sounded from beyond the door Silica had just rapped her knuckles against. Her fist still hovered as her commander's words hit the air, and quickly she felt her feet welding to the ground she stood on.

She had waited until the absolute last minute to inform Erwin of Amelia's decision, and found herself rooted in front of his bedroom door. It was an insanely unprofessional thing of her to do, but if she didn't tell him now, then she knew there would be no way she could again.

A steady breath pushed out of her lips as she slowly pushed the door open, and immediately she had made eye contact with Erwin from his place at his desk. Numerous reports littered the tabletop, and a few loose papers had somehow managed to fall onto the floor. His bed was made up neatly in the corner, and the window across the room was propped open slightly. Silica could feel the cool, summer night air flowing into her face as she entered Erwin's chamber, and she continued her silence as she shut the door behind her.

"Silica," Erwin tried a perplexed smile. "It's late. What're you doing here?"

"I talked to Ama." Was Silica's simple answer. Her fingers popped at her sides as she stood off to the side.

"I see," Erwin gestured to the bed. Silica slowly made way toward it and sat down on the edge. "Enlighten me on her decision."

"She..." Silica cleared her throat. "She said she would do anything if it meant she could stay with me."

"Well, then that's excellent news," Erwin stood up to stand in front of her, still clearly not understanding her distant mood. "I'll put forth the order for her citizenship first thing in the morning."

Silica's hands balled into fists on her lap, and instead of thanking Erwin like she knew she should have, she stared down at the toes of her boots.

"Silica," he spoke again, however this time he crouched down in front of her. "What has you troubled? This is what you wanted, wasn't it?"

"No. How could her eventually throwing her life away be something that I want?" Silica spoke quietly. "I know she gets to live on the surface this way, but that's hardly a fair price to make a child pay..."

"The way things are run aren't fair, I'll admit that," Erwin looked down and — hesitantly — placed a reassuring hand on her knee. "But there really isn't anything we can do about the options we are given."

"I know that." Silica glared at her boots.

"This will become easier to sit with in time, Silica," he promised, bringing his free hand under her chin to get her to look at him. "You just have to accept that it's the only option."

Silica looked off to the side at that, and Erwin stood to turn his chair toward her before sitting down.

"What do you plan to do about Amelia's father?" He changed the subject moderately, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I want him arrested." She stated bluntly, sounding harder than before.

"I understand that," Erwin nodded. "But we can't do that without any ground."

"What do you mean?" She looked at him incredulously. "All the proof we need is in his file at the courthouse. He brought Amelia to the surface without citizenship. That should be enough to arrest him."

Erwin hummed. "I suppose, but keeping him in jail for more than a few months is going to need more evidence that he was deliberately committing a child endangerment law."

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