Chapter 28

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After navigating the maze-like roadways of Mitras, Silica and Mike finally found the gated manor where Patrick was supposed to be staying.

The gate surrounding the property was tall, black, and spiked at the top. There was a stone road leading all the way up to the manor, and the grass was clean cut and bright green. A flagpole was rooted by the large fountain in the center of the yard, with a flag — presumably decorated in a family crest — billowing in the summer wind. Stone planters surrounded circular bushes. A dark brown dog ran across the porch of the house; of which was stark white. Stain glass was emblemed on the front door, and the windows of the house lacked drapes, allowing those who passed by to catch glimpses of what was inside.

"I think Zackly gave us the wrong address." Silica stated bluntly, staring at a rickety swing hanging from the large oak tree several meters away from the house.

"This is a little surreal for someone who just got citizenship," Mike agreed, narrowing his eyes to make out the figure in the second story window. It looked as if a woman stood there. "Maybe he had help."

"Right," she rolled her eyes. "Or he bated the right people."

She stepped forward, sticking her arm in between two of the fenceposts to reach the locked latch. She pushed it upward with the tip of her middle finger, and eased the gate open. Mike followed her inside, and waited as she latched the gate closed again. The dog they had seen before barked from the porch, and excitedly ran from his post up to them.

Silica paused as he jumped on his hind legs, and caught him by his paws as he tried to lick at her face. She ruffled the dogs silky fur to get him to settle, and felt her skin prickle at the sound of a woman's voice.

"Down, Sterling!" She called, and upon looking up, Silica was met with a blazingly attractive woman.

Her hair was blonde, long, and hung in ringlets down her back. Her skin was porcelain and looked smooth under the expensive looking lavender dress she had on. Earrings with black gems hung from her ears, and her eyes were a startling shade of blue. Her thin brows were furrowed into a light scowl, but she looked kind despite of it. She smiled at them as she grabbed Sterling by the collar, tugging him away from Silica's legs.

"I'm so sorry," she apologized, holding a hand down on the dogs back to keep him still. "He likes new people, y'see."

"No worries." Silica replied slowly, eyes trailing up from the mystery woman for anyone else who may live there.

"What can I do for you, Miss...?"

"Delaney," Silica replied immediately. The woman's shoulders tensed. "Silica Delaney."

"A-ah," she hummed, bright hues flicking toward Mike; whom had his arms crossed tightly over his chest beside Silica. "Kathryn Reed — but most call me Kitty."

She held out a hand as she introduced herself. Silica shook it curtly.

"I think you know why we're here." She carried on, holding Kathryn's eye as she stood up straight. She was at least two inches taller than Silica.

"Patrick isn't here." She said quickly, placing a hand on top of Sterling's head as she looked down.

"But the girl is," Silica guessed. Kitty said nothing. "Where?"

"What do you need from her?" Kitty questioned, going on the defensive. She still stared at the rim of her dress. Silica scowled.

"She's my child," Silica began, taking an intimidating step forward. Kitty appeared to sink into herself. "Tell me where she is."

"What are you going to do if I refuse to tell you?"

The question came out as a squeak. Kitty sealed her eyes closed, the fists at her sides clenching tighter. Silica sighed.

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