Chapter 29

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"So, how'd you meet him?"

Thirty minutes had gone by since Silica decided to wait out Patrick's return, and Kitty had managed to convince Silica to stand with her on the porch. Mike and Ama were a ways off by the fountain, running about with Sterling nipping at their heels. Silica's hands sat loosely in her pockets as she leaned against the wall, and she watched Ama giggling as she questioned Kitty; whom stood beside her wringing her fingers.

"My father had business in the Underground District and requested that I went with him," she said meekly, eyes held on the wood panel floor beneath their feet. "Since I'll be taking over the family business when my father passes, he thought it'd be a good idea for me to see how he runs things."

"What business does a high class family have that requires you to go underground?" Silica's brow rose, her gaze flicking over to her.

Kitty avoided her eyes. "My father does many things."

Silica rolled her eyes at her vague answer and settled for crossing her arms.

"Why did you decide to help him smuggle my kid onto the surface?" Silica continued with her interrogation. "Does she even have citizenship, or is it just him?"

Kitty didn't respond. Silica felt a rage bubble forming in her stomach.

"What was he planning to do once the government found out?"

"I believe these would be better answered by him." Her voice was meek. It make Silica sick.

She only sighed deeply, urging herself to keep her temper at bay for the sake of Ama. She wished for nothing more than to keep that big smile on her daughter's face; but with what she was spectating inside her head, she didn't know if she'd be able to keep it up much longer.

Silica wondered where Patrick was as she stood on Kitty's porch. She wondered what type of work he was doing now, and how often he left Ama alone with his new wife. She wondered if Patrick really loved Kitty, or if he used her as a pawn for citizenship. It didn't sound like something he wouldn't do, and it surely wouldn't surprise her if that was truly the case. Patrick would do anything for better gains in life — even if it meant ruining people's lives and cheating the innocent out of their money.

Her heel clicked against the wood beneath her curtly as she pushed herself off of the wall. Kitty shifted stiffly as Silica filled the few steps it took to lean against the wood rail, and propped her cheek in one hand as she watched Mike hoist Ama up into his arms.

She screamed with laughter and kicked her legs as he spun her around, and the scene itself made a gentle smile fall upon Silica's face.

"He's good with children." Kitty commented, an awkward edge to her voice as she shuffled closer to Silica.

Silica hummed.

"How did you meet him?"

"He's the reason why I stayed on the surface." She deadpanned. Kitty's eyes stuck to the back of her neck.

"You were planning on going back?" She questioned, tilting her head.

"For a second," Silica nodded once, tapping her finger against her cheek. "But things change."

"Why would you ever want to go back there?"

Silica didn't respond as she caught a glimpse of the property gate opening. She stood up straight immediately and squinted her eyes, scowling knowingly at the carriage riding up to the house.

"I sincerely hope you're as naive to the situation as I think you are," Silica said coldly as she walked passed Kitty, glaring at her as she stepped down the stairs. "For your own sake."

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