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Sheikh's personal fitness trainer steadied the punching bag for Sheikh and he hit it with his fisted hands covered in red padded gloves.

After about five good minutes of vigorous punches, the forty five year old man checked his wristwatch and did some quick ticks on a paper, he then turned to sheikh and patted his shoulder, "Very impressive Sheikh and i can see your health is remarkably on the improve, but you still have to outdo yourself a bit. I might reschedule our timetable so that we can do an all-out workout three times a week since you hardly get time to do your normal workout daily. That way you can keep your blood glucose levels in a healthier range."

Sheikh nodded his head, removing his padded gloves, "Alright, thats fine. Thank you."

"You're doing so great, keep it up." He remarked again, patting his shoulder, "It's time for me to leave, but you can still carry out some resistance exercises if you want."

When the trainer packed his duffel bag and left the house gym, Sheikh adjusted back his earbuds in place and began some crunches for his abdominal muscles.

He paused when the door swing open and Khaleel walked in, wearing a white Kappa t-shirt similar to Sheikh's, black sweatpants and some slides. While Sheikh's feet were shod in white trainers with nike swoosh.

When Sheikh didn't regard him and continued his exercise, Khaleel realized that he had badly struck a raw nerve there, and this was going to be difficult. But he tried anyway, "Hamma, do you have a minute?"

Sheikh didn't respond. He began some push-ups.

Khaleel sat on the mat across from his brother and crossed his legs, he counted sheikh's push-ups out loud.

He was on pushup number twenty one, when Sheikh stopped and glared at him before he took his bottle water and took some gulps, then wiped his mouth with the back of his arm.

"What do you want?"

Khaleel grinned, "Can we talk?"

Sheikh rolled his eyes, "Aren't we talking? What do you want?"

"Umm... i just wanted to apologize on my unseemly behavior the other day. I was just... so stressed out."

"And so stupid." Sheikh muttered.

"Uh uhh... you don't say that to someone this charming." He used his thumb to point at himself and grinned.

"Sorry to burst your bubble but you're actually not that charming. humble yourself." Sheikh gave him a very tight smile.

Khaleel sighed, "Now I'm sorry, for real. Forgive me Hamma."

Sheikh took another gulp of his water, and clenched his jaw, "But you're not sorry for making your sister cry whenever she remembers how messed up you're. You're not sorry for always making your old father hopeless just because you refused to be clear-headed for once. You're not sorry for inflaming my problems with yours. Or are you?"

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