Chapter 15: Morals

Start from the beginning

I shake those thoughts from my mind and reply, "Fib or not, you don't lie to your friends. It's not right." I sit up, crossing my arms over my chest. "Do you get what I'm saying?"

"What I'm hearing is that you humans have a lot of things you hold to morals," he shrugs. "But that's just how you're wired. Gods don't have those. Morals...rules we follow. We aren't programmed for that. That's why we have regalia."

That catches my attention. "That's why you have regalia? What do you mean by that?"

"Regalia were all human at one point," he shrugs, dumping the bag so that the crumbs land in his mouth. "Damn. All out." He wads the material up into a ball, adding, "Anyway, like I was sayin'. Regalia are all former humans. This means they can still be easily tempted and corrupted by all the things that corrupt humans. Greed, vanity, jealousy, wrath. It all still picks and gnaws at them." His eyes soften. "All those negative feelings...they can get to a regalia. The regalia's resentment and pain builds up and if left unstopped...they become a phantom and as a consequence, they cannot be saved."

"Well, damn. Depressing much?" I ask, lifting a brow. "But I'm confused. Despite how sucky that is, what does it have to do with gods and morals?"

It's as if there's a silent shift in the atmosphere. Yato's eyes almost appear dull as a sense of sorrow fills them. That once sense of happiness has been wiped away, being replaced by emotions that make a twinge pull at my heart.

"Regalia, along with acting as a god's weapon, are like a god's moral compass," he sighs, bringing those sharp eyes to me. "For instance, if I wanted to, I could kill anyone I wanted -man, woman, child, sick, healthy, rich, poor, influential, simple. Doesn't matter. I could do it and it wouldn't mean a thing. A regalia, being formerly human, still holds some morality to them. They hold onto what is right and wrong. So, when they think or do something that is seen as wrong in the mortal world, they sting their master."

"Sting...their master? What's that?" I ask hesitantly.

"It's a negative reaction to their behavior. A small sting can simply be cleansed with some water," he replies. "However, if a regalia continues to act up, they risk becoming a phantom and their master.'ll kill them."

My eyes go wide as my heart drops. It feels as if my soul has slipped from my body, leaving me to be a hollow shell. I don't know what I was expecting him to say, but it certainly wasn't that. I mean...gods dying? That doesn't seem real. Then again, what is real anymore? Nothing is ever as it seems.

"It can...kill them? But I don't get it. You're a god. How can gods die? That makes no sense to me," I sputter.

His eyes soften as he meets my stare. "You're a human. I don't expect you to understand all this. There's a lot that comes with the far shore. I will tell you this, even if a god dies, that does not mean it's the end." He shoves his hands into his jacket's pockets. "Not for the well-known gods, anyway. They are reincarnated and looked after by their regalia. However, for lesser-known gods, the chances of returning are slimmer, making for a more grim outcome." He shrugs, "Eh. Tis how it goes, though."

He folds his arms behind his head and lays back in his position, continuing, "So, you told a fib? You feel guilty and now you're trying to resolve it. You can either come clean and tell the truth, but risk upsetting your friend, or you find a different solution. Your call." He snuggles more into my recliner. "There's plenty of dating services in Tokyo. Hire a fake boyfriend for the night if worse comes to worse."

"Is that your mighty and holy advice?" I question sarcastically.

"Take it or leave it," he mumbles.

I shrug, "I don't know. I don't wanna spend money like that on a fake date because of a lie I told. Plus, it'd be awkward as hell. I'd have to act like I've known him and like we've been talking and..."

The wheels begin to turn, firing up the little lightbulb in my head. An idea is forming deep within my mind, causing the corners of my lips to draw up. I bring my eyes directly to Yato. He is comfortably unaware of what I have brewing in my thoughts, but he's about to find out.

"Wait. I think I have a plan," I chirp, flinging myself off the couch. "Yato! Be my date!"

His eyes rip open and meet mine as he peels himself up into a sitting posture. His vivid stare meets mine as a red tint dusts over his cheeks, battling me. At first, I don't understand his reaction when it dawns on me. What I I said it...his response. It all makes perfect sense, causing my own features to redden with embarrassment as a fiery scorn burns my cheeks and ears.

"B-be my fake date!" I correct. "T-that's what I meant! Be my fake date!"

Still blushing, he murmurs, "Sorry, but I'm not getting in the middle of this. I'm a god. I have plenty to do and –"

"Please!" I beg, practically lunging at him. "Please, Yato! I'll even give you five yen!"

His eyes widen before he turns his head, muttering, "I only accept that when it's a wish. Are you saying this is a wish?"

A wish. I never thought about that. I've already made wishes before. He's granted them. This could just be another one. It would leave him obligated. But it feels...wrong making this that. It makes me feel guilty. Or is that just my guilt for lying to Hiyori? Regardless, I don't want this to be a wish but I'm desperate and I don't want to disappoint my friend. So, I do all I can.

I dig into my pocket and fish out a coin, tossing it to Yato as I declare, "Yato god, I wish for you to be my fake date in the double date with my friend."

He catches the coin and stares at it. I can see it. I can see the hesitation in his gaze. Much like me, he's unsure of this arrangement, but it doesn't take long for him to flip the coin up and catch it once again, swallowing, "I am the god Yato and you have made a wish that's been heard loud and clear. May your wish be granted."

**Bello my beautiful lovelies! Well, looks like there's gonna be a double date after all! Hiyori, Hiroki, Yato, and Y/N are all gonna meet up! That said, how do y'all think it'll go? Feel free to take a gander! As always, thank you so much for everything! Y'all are da bestes! Wuv yous!! <3**

-Noel Ross

P.S. "Mercy" by Shawn Mendes -ugh. I love his voice.

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