"You're just on time-" Kakashi cut himself off when he saw the bloody clothes torn and some bruises on her face that were starting to heal. He grabbed her face and examined the injuries. "What happened?" he asked as he checked her for any other injuries on her body but they were all mostly healed and her back, where most of the torn fabric stuck shown some old scars. "We trained harder that's all." She brushed him off and walked into the academy where they will meet their sensei.

Hira walked to the darkest corner of the room to hide and try to figure out what she's going to do with her shirt and clothes. When something sparked in her mind. She shot up and ran to the tree outside where she hid some of her clothes for incase this would happen.

Instead of her hair pulled into her usual two ponytails, she let her hair down to hide her bruised face. It wasn't a permanent look, just temporary until she can fix herself.

As she entered the classroom, she saw Obito and Rin to the side complaining about something and Kakashi was sitting at one of the desk deep in thought. "Oh Hira, you're here." Rin gleefully pointed out until she saw the state the girl was in, she ran over to her. Pulling at limbs and scanning the marks. "What happened? Who did this?" she kept questioning, but Hira smiled and waved her off. "I'm alright Rin. No need to worry. My sensei and I were just training, I guess we took it too far this time." she nervous chuckled, hoping they would believe her but a glare burning the side of her face made her doubt it. Rin had believed it and Hira saw it in the way her body relaxed again. Obito was sceptical and Kakashi flat out saw the lie.

"Ah, so you must be Team 7. My team." a yellow or blonde-haired man walked through the door. He had sharp blue eyes and was quite young, but Hira recognized him as The Yellow Flash. Hiashi and Hizashi had made the girl learn all about the legends of the nations like The three legendary Sanin. She wasn't allowed to learn about the tailed beast and all the Jinjurikies though.

"So, let's begin with introducing ourselves." he clapped his hands together and gave them a closed eye smile, making Hira look at him funny. They all had gathered on the garden like roof of the academy. "What do we have to say?" she asked later on in unison with Rin and that made the two look at each other than giggle. "Well, tell us your name, likes and dislikes, hobbies and... Dreams." Hira flinched at the last word.

'How can I tell them more about myself, when I don't even know myself?' she thought to herself as Rin went first. Her likes and dislikes were very common, she didn't mention training though, hobbies she said that training was her main hobby and her dreams were of her becoming the strongest kunoichi. Next was Obito,
"My name Is Obito Uchiha, my likes are, training and my Nana. I also like Ramen, dumplings and my best friend, Hira Hyuga." that caught Hira by surprise, "What, we're best friends?" she asked leaning to the boy and that made him flustered and he blushed as a result. He hummed at her before looking away trying to ignore the heat on his face and the fast speed that his heart was beating. The girl soon smiled gently and sat back, happy to know she had another friend. "Please continue," Minato said, trying to hide his laughter at the scene, "Well, um... Where was-? Oh yeah, my dislikes are people talking ill of the Uchiha clan, and my rival... Kakashi Hatake. My dream is to become Hokage one day!" Obito almost yelled the last part making Hira smile at him then frown as it was her turn. "Hira, it's your turn," Obito said poking her side, he wouldn't lie about the fact that he knew nothing about her except her name and her clan. "Oh, uh... My name is Hira Hyuga, my likes and hobbies are the same which are watching the sky like the clouds and stars, learning new things and exploring. Dislikes... Aren't important and yeah that's me." she finished trying to avoid talking about dreams. "And your dreams?" Minato asked and he saw her flinch at the mention of it. "I have none." that intrigued the whole team. "How so?" Minato further questioned and he saw how aggravated she was getting, but she still answered. "Because I can't have any, my only purpose is to serve and protect the Hyuga Clan's main household." Hira looked over to Kakashi, "Your turn, Hatake." she said addressing him by his last name showing how angry she was, but not exactly at him but just in general.

Kakashi cleared his throat before he spoke, "My name is Kakashi Hatake, my likes are training and my dislikes are rulebreakers, hobbies are training and I have no dreams for the future." Minato looked at his two emotionless students and saw how much they are alike, but yet so different. The same goes for Obito and Rin. "And what about you Sensei?" Rin asked trying to know more about her sensei. "Oh me? Let's see. My name is Minato Namikaze, my likes and dislikes... I don't feel like telling you that, I have many Hobbies and I never really thought of my dreams for the future." The four students all huffed. "That was rather vague," Hira commented making her two new friends nod.

"Anyway, we start tomorrow first thing with a test, a survival test. See you all tomorrow and remember don't eat breakfast." Minato said before leaving. 'Skipping breakfast will be easy, with Hiashi that has made me skip days of eating, and if I fill up on water it will really help.' Hira thought to herself as she walked to a field she was meaning to explore, she was soon joined by an Uchiha, a Nohara and a Hatake. "So where are we heading?" Obito asked as he pulled his hands behind his head trying to act cool and relaxed. "We? Why are you guys coming?" she asked the group as she stopped walking making them stop too. "We just want to make sure you're okay," Rin answered after no one spoke. "Why? I am completely fine, why wouldn't I be?" she asked as she had forgotten about the bruising as she was use to the pain. Her friends looked at her funny. "Hira you're covered in bruises!" Obito yelled, they had figured something was off about her story and was now going to question her. "From training." she emotionally stated, she doesn't want people to pity her, she doesn't want people's sympathy. "That's not training marks," he argued, but the girl just pushed past them and continued. "Well it's family problems, so just leave it." as she walked her friends followed in silence, many things running through their heads.

The group finally reached the field and they followed Hira's lead and laid down, in a circle wherein the centre were their heads lay next to one another. And in peaceful and comfortable silence watched the blue sky turn dark and stars appearing from the darkness.

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