Chapter two: Meeting the captain

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A/N: So, how are you lovely people?! Captain Foxy is coming on stage, so I hope you like see you through your window! :D ( POV = Point of view )

Foxy POV: "its al-al-almost time to go-o out there" I whisper smiling as I peak out the curtains, 'Me voice be a bit rusty' my ears twitch 'someones comin'!' I run back into place as fast and as quietly as possible "Thanks for taking this job, you don't know how much this means to me!" 'That be the manager Mr. Fazbear' "Oh your welcome, now lets see if we can find any problems and fix them" a male voice says 'Im bein' fixed up? 'bout time!' I almost say out loud. "Mark this is Steven, Foxy this is Mark" Mr. Fazbear says as there walking in "Hello Foxy, Im here to fix you up, you know make sure your working alright!" Mark says with a smile "Ahoy, l-l-landlubber!" Me voice stuttering 'cause o' me rusty voice box, Mark jumps back eyes as wide as moons I chuckle a bit 'He should see his face!' "Y-y-y-you talk!?! Marks voice stutterin' worse than mine "Aye, of c-course I t-talk!" I say smiling while Mr. Fazbear chuckles lightly "Well lets have a look at you" I nod standing perfectly still as he checks me out.

A few minute before that CAUSE MAGICAL TIME SKIP! 'Cause I got da power!

Rossa POV: I was playing in the arcade when I saw some people walking past, I got a little curious so I followed a little ways behind them walking as quietly as possible, I continue to follow them until they head inside another stage with purple curtains decorated with stars. I hear them talking to someone and get a little closer so I can hear them better I hear someone say "Mark this is Foxy, Foxy this is mark" so there are three people inside, I continue to listen when I hear someone say "Done! well how do you feel?" and "I be feelin' great, thanks for fixin' me up!" Im about to sneak away but I trip on my red dress and fall, I quickly get up as Im about to run away, until someone picks me "Let go of me!" I say as I elbow the person in the chest "Ouch" I say when my elbow hits something soft but hard like metal "Ye ok there lass?" a rough pirate accent asks me, I nod slightly then 'he' then shifts me to where he's holding me like a husband would his bride and I see this isn't a person but a FOX!! I stare wide eyed at him "Ahoy I be Foxy" he says smiling at me "Who do we have here Foxy?" someone says "Aye, I found this here lass sneaking around and listenin' in on our conversation" I feel my face heat up in embarrassment "hi" I say quietly "Hello, Im Mr. Fazbear Im run this place, now lets go get you back to your mother she's probably worried" Mr. Fazbear says in concern "Oh she only thinks Im in the arcade playing, its ok I can go back by myself!" I say proudly "Stealthy AND an adventurer are ye now?" Foxy chuckles.

Foxy POV: She's quite a interesting lass "What be ye name lass?" I asked "Rossa!" she says happily "Well Rossa how 'bout you be goin' to ye mother now, I be seein' ye later, promise" I say, she nods happily and I set her down "I'll see you later Foxy!!" she yells smiling as she runs off, I watch her go and turn back to the other two lads standing beside me "You think she'll find her way back?" Mark asks "AYE! Of course the lass will!" I retorted "Foxy, calm down!" Mr. Fazbear says startled by me outburst "Rossa be a smart lass, she'll find her way" I say calmly I walk back in but just before Im completely devoured by the curtains hiding my cove I say "Lets give these kidos a good time!" they smile and go to prepare, I flip my eye patch down and sit in me ol' wooden chair ready for the show to start "Ol' Foxy's be back in business" I whisper chuckling as a smirk spreads across me face.

A/N: How did you like it? do give me feed back about how I could make my terrible writing better, no seriously feed back is a MUST HAVE! (o__o)~Sup? hehe I hope you like it, worked so hard on trying to perfect the fox's damn accent  damn it Foxy if i didn't love you so much ye would be walkin' ye own plank 'bout now... HAVE A GOOD NIGHT MATIES, I JUST MIGHT BE WATCHIN' YE SO LOOK BEHIND YE SELF, ALL THE TIME! :D

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