Chapter four: Part of the crew

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A/N: IM SO SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN A WHILE!!! been busy with, personal matters... ANYWAY I HOPE YOU ALL ENJOY THIS CHAPTER! see you at the end~!

Rossa's POV: I climed up onto the stage kids gasped as I walked right us to Foxy and stared up at him "I'll join ye crew!" I said in my best pirate accent and loud enough for everyone to hear then I spun around to face the crowd "Ye all be a bunch of cowards if ye be frightened by the captain!" I yelled at them then I noticed my mommy walking at a fast pace towards me when right before she got to the stage a man wearing a blue suit came up "Hey, little girl could you please get off the stage, Foxy sometimes gliches out and can be dangerous" he asked politely ", the captain wouldn't hurt a fly!" I say looking him dead in the eye as my mommy gets up to the stage "Rossa, honey do as the nice man asked" she tells me "Arg, that wont be happin' today" I stare the two down in defiance then I felt a hand on my shoulder and noticed some kids staring wide eyed gasping at us and the man bite his lip

Foxy's POV: I felt a little taken aback by what Rossa just did, she climbed up onto ME, ye know mister big, tall and scary's stage, called all the kids cowards then retaliated against her mother and the security guard. I put me hand on the lasses shoulder and the children all gasp as the security gaurds eyes get wide as he bites his lip  "Aye, Rossa ye be brave to come up here when no other dares" I say as I smile at the brave little lass "Don't ye worry Rossa's mother I wont hurt the lass, and I be good as new thanks to that thar mechanic!" I say dippin' my head politely at the lasses mother, she seemed to understand as she nodded and started to walk back to her table that was right next to me stage. "Ye hear that little ones? This lass isn't scared of me and she trust me too boot, so why don't ye all join me crew and ye set off for an ADVENTURE!!!" I yell smilin' at them all, my smile starts to fall as they appear to be 'frozen' to the spot but then they start to slowly walk up until Rossa walks to the curtains and opens them wide for them to see what adventure awaits them inside then they all start to smile as they sprint to me cove, 'for the first time in forever' they liked me, they let me lead them around, show them where everything was, it felt amazing, like I just found a giant treasure but better! I be lyin' if I say I stopped smilin' even for a second, and to make things even better Rossa was with me all the time, the lass followed me EVERYWHERE!!! Thank the gods of the seven seas, I love the little lass so much I want to hug her and never let her go, aye she be an adorable one!

Anna's POV: Rossa loves that fox so much, I could see it in her eyes as she followed him everywhere, and when I say everywhere I mean, EVERYWHERE! That fox, he's so nice to her, always helping her up if she fell or couldn't reach something she wanted to see, and at one point he was carrying her on his shoulder! There playing in the arcade together right now winning prize tickets I don't have to worry about her getting hurt or lost because Foxy will help her and how could she get lost if she's following him like a puppy following its mommy, So I can relax and talk to steven he's very polite and extremely friendly! Though he seems a bit jumpy around the animatronics but once you get to know him, you can see why that would be the case.

A/N: See? I told you I would see you at the bottom!! :D I really hope you enjoyed this even though it was short and took a very long time to finally write and publish! I enjoy writing this for you guys I really do, but sometimes I don't have much free time or none at all but don't worry, I will get more it just might take a while to finaly make longer chapters, don't blame me for not being able to write for you blame my teachers that give me pounds of homework then say "HEY GO STUDY FOR THE UP COMING TEST FOR TOMARROW!!" :D Wooh fun for me. *Twitch-Twitch*

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