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it's not until you pause and look around that you realise how far you have wandered from home.

my instinct is to allow the flood of shame fill my heart.
how could I have drifted so far
I can't return.

so I camp out in the unknown, sleepwalking through life.
until I can walk no more.

but then all of a sudden i hear a voice calling me by name, calling me beloved, calling me back home.
not only calling, but holding me by my hand, leading me home.

i hold my head down in shame, waiting for the judgement, waiting to be told to do better, try harder.
but it doesn't come
instead i am welcomed in by open arms of love, with affirmation that I am forgiven, before I have even dared to ask for forgiveness.

I walk through the doors of Love, freed from the chains of shame.
I am home.

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