chapter 4: Drive vs Eirgor

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Y/n plan was to use his full throttle to punch thorough the tornado around them.

Gray: are you sure this will work.

Drive: if I'm right my car is faster then that tornado so yeah. I just need a good started run.

He run back inside and stop at top of the stairs.

Drive: ok let's go.

He turn the nob of his drive and thrust his shift car forward.

Mr belt: speed! full throttle!

He run towards the tornado and he he faster and faster. Once close he jumped and kick the tornadoes winds. Then he managed to go through it and landed on the other side.

Lucy: he did it!

Erza: yes but the tornado is still going.

Drive: I try that again.

Erza: no go after Eirgor and stop him. We try to find another way.

Drrive: but I......

Erza: no buts. We be fine just go.

Drive: ok but be careful guys.

Frank: we will.

He nods and got to his car and drive off.


Eirgor was flying towards the conference. Until he was shot by something. He fell to the ground but landed on his feet. He turn to see drive.

Eirgor: I'm impressed you escape my trap.

Drive: enough games. Surrender or I make you.

Eirgor: you make me? (Laugh) with what?

Y/n took out his shift car and slide it in his brace. He thrust I'd foward.

Mr belt: wheel changed!

Then a lage wheel came out of the cars wheel and slammed it to Drive's shoulder and he changed into his other form.

Then a lage wheel came out of the cars wheel and slammed it to Drive's shoulder and he changed into his other form

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Mr belt: Drive type wild.

Eirgor see this as a fight si he charged at him. Eirgor try to uper kick Drive but his hard helmet make him scream in pain.

Eirgor: (anger) what type of armor is that.

Drive: it's type wild armor.

Then drive kick him in the gut. Eirgor skidded across the tracks. He stand and they charged at each other. They punched and kicked many times. Eirgor step back and use his wind magic to blow Drive away. Drive stood his ground holding back the strong wind.

Eirgor: your finished Fairy Tail. Soon your master will be dead and all will die.

Drive: watch!

Then Drive break through the wind and punch Eirgor many times in the gut. He uper punch Eirgor straight up in his face. He landed on the ground but stand up.

Drive: aright then (took out type formula shift car) time to end this fast.

He slide it in a thrust it foward.

Drive: Drive type formula!

Then he went fast hitting past him many times. Never letting him attack him. Then Drive stopped and summing his trader canon.

 Then Drive stopped and summing his trader canon

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Drive caught it and turn it to a canon. He slide in speed and formula into his canon and it start to charge up. Eirgor also charged up his magic and both on them blast at the same time. The beam collided and drive and Eirgor try to push there powers to each other.

Eirgor: just give up!

Drive: Never! I will pretect the once I care. Even the women I love. I WILL DONT REST UNIT EVERYONE CAN LIFE IN PEACE!

Mr belt: full Throttle! Formula!

Then Drive's beam want through Eirgor's a magic and he was hit. Eirgor was blasted off the tracks and fell to down deep deep towards the surface ground. Drive deheshin and smiled.

Y/n: we did it Mr belt.

Mr belt: nice work Y/n.

Y/n see the lullaby and pick it up.

Y/n: this weapon should be used no more

He throw it to the sky and shot it. Lullaby was distroyed.

Mr belt: nice try.

Lucy: Y/n!

He turn to see everyone else here. They ran up to Y/n.

Gray: what happened? You won?

Y/n: (smiled) yep.....We won.

Everyone cheered and Erza huge Y/n.

Erza: I'm so proud of you Y/n. Your the best wiazerd I never seen.

Y/n blush red when she said that.

Y/n: (blush) th th thanks E Erza.

Y/n: (thought) SHE SAID IM THE BEST! I....I

then he fell to the ground and pass out.

Lucy: (worried) Y/n! You ok?

Erza: don't worry (smiled) I think he pass out of exhausted.

Erza: (thought) he's cute when he's asleep.

Erza blush a little and Frank see's it.

Frank: (thought) well Mira's Y/n x Erza will come true (smiled).

To be continued.....

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