The professor claps her hands together excitedly. "Wonderful! Perfect. You can be... Julien, yes?" I nod my head and she continues, turning to Agatha. "Agatha darling, you'll be a perfect fit for Rosaline, the girl that rejects Romeo. Get ready everyone- we officially have all roles! Rehearsal for Romeo and Julien starts tomorrow!" She dismisses everyone and I immediately turn to Agatha. She looks bloody pissed. I suppose I'll have to kiss Baz now (a fact that makes my insides churn), but better me than my girlfriend.

"How could you, Simon?! You get a lead role even when it's supposed to be a girl and I'm the one who talked you into this in the first place and you knew that I wanted to be Juliet?" She's turning red, but she has to understand where I'm coming from. The only reason I did it was so that Baz and Agatha wouldn't kiss. I'm too worried that they'll end up together if that happens.

"Aggie, I only did it so you wouldn't snog my enemy!"

"Oh and it's much better if you do?"

"Yes, yes it is!" Now I'm getting angry at her, and I can feel the magic rising to my skin- Agatha doesn't seem to notice (or maybe she just doesn't care).

"Aleister Crowley, Simon! You two have more bloody chemistry than he and I do!" What in the bloody hell is she going on about? She throws her hands up in defeat. "That's it, Simon, I need a break."

"A break?" A break from what? From the play? From Baz? I support all of those things.

"A break from us, Si. I just... I need some space." Everything goes momentarily red before I feel a strong, calloused hand clamp down on my shoulder and drag me out of the building, pushing and shoving me farther away from campus. When the person spins me around, I'm face to face with Baz. I lunge for him, but he ducks away. (Just as fucking graceful as ever).

"Calm down, Snow! You were about to go off! Crowley, you're lucky I saved your bloody arse when I did. As much as I was enjoying the show, didn't want you to blow us all up." He sneers at me and I growl at him, but I can feel myself calming down. "Just breathe, Snow." I take in deep breaths and close my eyes, trying to think about happy things. When I finally open my eyes, completely cooled down and ready to thank Baz, he's gone. I look around, but I can't see him anywhere. I suppose we'll just pretend that never happened.


When I finally went back to my room last night after my near-meltdown, Baz was already in bed and asleep. (Or so he acted like he was- he acts like he's asleep a lot, but I know when he's really asleep. His breathing is different). This morning, he acted like him comforting had never even happened, and everything went back to normal. He sneered at me all day, and I growled at him in turn. Name calling. Truth be told, it all just feels routine now. Like I'm just going through all of the emotions of despising him... but I'm not totally sure that I do. Not after last night. Even though it would have been hilarious for him to see me go off yesterday, (he would think it was funny because he knows that I subconsciously protect him when I go off. I can't even help it) he helped me calm down. In fact, he even stopped me from making a huge mistake by yelling at Agatha, which isn't like him at all.

So now I'm here at rehearsal, trying not to stare at my arch-rival. Agatha went through with her promise of being on a break, but if I'm being honest, I'm not all that mad. I think I've been thinking (well, as much as it's possible for me to think) about breaking it off with her for a long bloody time. I just... kind of filed it away under the things I'm not supposed to think about. As with my hatred of Baz, I just feel like we were just going through the motions of dating. I love Agatha, but I don't quite think I'm in love with her. I suppose Penny was right. Right now, Agatha is ignoring me completely while we learn stage directions. There aren't many songs to sing, but there is a party in which people are supposed to dance together- I have to dance with Baz. But for now, we're learning the very beginning of the play, and we aren't quite ready to learn the dances yet.

Chamber by Chamber // SnowbazWhere stories live. Discover now