Chapter 3

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I don't own any of the pictures/videos/ and I certianlly don't  own One Piece!!



"Tis is true. And I accepted. It's safer for Luffy and you." She said with a sigh. "Well then, why don't we celebrate." I smirked at her. "We shall." She agreed with a smug face. The rest of the night went by with passion.


SIX YEARS LATER::::: Elisabeth's POV::::::

"Mommy, where are we going?" My precious boy asked me. "We're going to meet up with Grandpa Garp." I say to him, and kneeled down to him. I then brushed one of my hands through his beautiful raven hair. I then put a finger under his chin so I could raise his head so he can look into my eyes. His eyes were like deep swirling pools of obsidian. He's almost a splitting image of his father. 

"Baby, I have to tell you something." I said seriously. "What is it mommy?" He askes back. "I have to leave you with grandpa, because it's not safe with mommy or daddy anymore." I said sadly, "Why is it not safe with you or daddy, mommy?" He asked with a curious face. "Because mommy is going to sail the seas and fight really bad men, and daddy has to lead the revolutionaries, which is really dangerous." I said as camly as I could even though there was a tear trailing down my face.

"Just so you know baby, mommy and daddy will always love you. And when you ever feel lonely just call me or daddy. I will be visiting once in a while to check up on you. Okay?" I say to him while I brought my hands to his shoulders. "I love you too mommy!" He smiled at me. Just then I brought him in for a long hug.

##############Time Skip brought to you by the fist of love#############

The undeniable outline of Dawn Island started making it's apperence over the herizon. Knowing there is only limited time that I can be with my son, I called out his name. "Yes mommy?" He replied tp me. "How about we play a game?" I asked him. "Yes please!" He shouted and ran over to me. "How about we play, our favorite memories?" I suggested, He looked confused and asked, "How do we play that?" I sat down infront of him and grabed his hands. 

"We play, by saying a name and we talk abou our favorite memory with them." I explaned to him

The game ended up going on till we got to the island. "Hm, how about mommy and daddy?" I asked my son. "Ooh, oo, I know! That one time that daddy and I tried making you breakfeast during mothers day! But it didn't right..." He said excidedly.

'I remember that, the boys tried to make me pancakes and almost burnt down the kitchen. I'm still never going to let Dragon cook when I'm around.... And certianly not in the house.' I thought to myself with a faint smile on my face.

"We're here baby. And Garp"-I glared at Garp and poked him in the chest with my index finger- "If I ever, ever hear that you so much as hurt a single hair on his precious head. Let me just say, you will be no longer have anymore children." I threatened him in a low tone. Thus caused him to sewat and gulp in fear. "Y-yes ma'am." He stutted.

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