Chapter 10

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One piece nor the pictures belong to me.

Elizabeth's Pov


My hair flowed behind me as the wind brushed by me. As my ship pulled up to the docks. "Okay men, if you need me I'll be finding my sons." I shouted to my crew. "Yes captian!" They saluted to me. Smirking I walked onto the docks. "Now, if I was Luffy, where would I be?" I asked myself.

"Food!" I shouted to myself and I slammed my fist into my hand in an 'aha' moment. Earning myself several odd looks shot towards me. Some other people slowley either backed up or walked away from me.

Shrugging and hummed to myself, I started walking away towards a random direction. Looking at the various shops around me. Spotting one that looked promising, I started walking to it. Suddenly a large crash and more commotion started at a diffrent shop. Turning towards it, I started running to it. Seeing the signiture straw hat, I broke out in a smile.

"STRAW HAT!" A marine captian shouted.

"LUFFY!" Ace yelled after the younger raven haired boy.

"Boys!" I yelled after them, resting my hands on my hips.

"Mom? MOM!" Both boys shouted at me.

"Mom?" The marine captian said bewilderedly.

I open my arms up and the both of them ran into them. Securing them to me I knelt and launched myself and my sons into the air, thus causing us to land on a roof top. Letting them go I gave a nasty glare.

"Do you two mind telling me why in the world you are messing with the marines of all people?" I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose with my forefinger.

"Uhhh.... yeeeee- no" Ace sweat dropped and rubbed the back of his head with his right hand while looking down to the ground.

"You know what we're going to MY ship and WE are going to TALK about this! Do you UNDERSTAND?" I emphasized some of my words to them. They sighed and looked at me. "Yes mom."

"Good!" I clapped my hands together and grabbed their hands to walk off the roof and landed on the ground with a short crouch. We stood back up and went off to walk back to the harbor.

I apologize for the such long wait. Also for the short chapter but I've been busy with other things.

However all I ask is to give a moment of silence for all those who we lost during 9/11.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2021 ⏰

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