Chapter Thirty-Nine

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*Not edited* Not proofread*

Chapter 39Definitely not the case:

        I can't remember the last time it was that I saw him. It was a while ago now; a good few months maybe... possibly a year. I'm not too sure in all honesty, I'm not good at time keeping.

        "You've got to be fucking joking."

        I can't bring myself to voice any of the thoughts that are going through my mind as I stare at him silently, but clearly the pissed off man before me has no trouble speaking his. His blue rimmed eyes with a sea of green in the middle dart between me and the girl on the floor who hasn't seemed to have moved since she fell.

        Fell— that's what I'm calling it if he's to ask.

        "This is how you've been acting?"

        I think the question is rhetorical, but I can't be so sure. I've never really been good at that either. How is one to know which questions are acceptable to answer and which aren't?

        "For fucks sake, I can't believe this."

        I want to ask why he's so surprised, but think against it. This is Jace, he's as dramatic as they come, making a mountain out of nothing.

        "What are you doing here?" I ask, dumbfounded, my voice taking it's usual tone. To say I'm confused and extremely caught off guard is a major understatement. What's that term people used? Gobsmacked? Because that's exactly what I am. Gobsmacked.

        He scoffs, "Does that really matter right now?"

        I stare at the rugged man weirdly, my eyebrows knitting as I pull a face. "Uh yes, actually, it does."

        I know he's more worried about the puta on the floor, but she's the least of my concerns. Fuck, she isn't even a concern to begin with— nowhere near. In fact, I pray to whatever human's usually pray to, that she's dead. But for Jace to act like his presence is nothing out of the ordinary, is infuriating.

        Had our... circumstances been different, I probably wouldn't have found it so odd to see such a familiar face presented before me, features crumpled up like a piece of wet tissue paper. But our situation isn't exactly normal, and his sudden, out-of-the-blue appearance rattles my mind.

        Why is he here?

        I watch the man I have reluctantly come to trust over the course of however-many years pace in front of me anxiously, his hands running through his short hair as he mumbles to himself. "Did you forget everything I taught you?" He suddenly questions.

        I shrug, "I've had two concussions in the last month... so it's a great possibility." He lets out a loud exhale at my reply, seemingly trying to calm down as he closes his eyes.

        Jace is a patient man, but I always seem to test that.

I keep my eyes on him as he walks back and forth a few times, still muttering 'I can't believe this' under his breath, until suddenly he's standing in front of me, only a foot or so between us.

I look up at him blankly. While I don't consider myself the tallest person, standing at almost five-eight, I'm definitely one of the taller girls at SouthRaven High. Everybody seems to be weirdly small; five-four the average height. But Jace is undoubtedly taller than me, and probably even taller than Dakota, so I have to crane my neck up to be able to look at him properly.

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