Chapter Six

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*Somewhat edited* Not proofread*

Chapter 6– A very nice table:

        The ride to auto-shop is a silent one as I steer down the road, keeping my eyes trained on the car in front of me. I study the number plate, commiting it to memory for no other reason than being extremely bored as I wait for the traffic light to turn green; 3623 EF.

        When Glenn's auto-shop finally comes into view I throw the cigarette I had been smoking out of my open window before pulling into the parking lot out back. The cool breeze nips at my skin as I open my car door, goosebumps appearing on my tattooed arms. My sandy hiker boots trudge along the worn gravel noisily as I make my way to the entrance where I'm greeted by the owner himself.

        "Alright, Chevy?" Glenn smiles a toothy grin, his fake teeth glinting. I growl under my breath at the use of nickname— I'm certain he knows how much I fucking hate it.

        "Jodete, anciano," I grumble with distaste as I shoot him a glare.

        He grins smugly at me as his hands dip into the pocket of his tattered overalls, bringing a miniature-size dictionary with them as he pulls them back out. He waves the small book in the air in victory, causing me to roll my eyes.

        "You're so... how do you Americano's say patético?"

        He raises a finger, signaling for me to wait as he flips through his little book of answers. "Pathetic," he declares with a cocky smile before his face falls in realisation, "Fuck off and do your job or I'll fire you."

        Without paying him anymore attention, I walk over to a car that looks like it's waiting to be fixed and examine it. It's a sliver Audi R7 Sportback and I take a moment to run my hands over its shiny exterior before I peer into the engine.

        I grunt in approval as I feel a presence approach me from behind.

        "Gorgeous, isn't it?" I whip around to face Mike, a twenty-two year old employee here at the garage. His eyes are focused on the engine as he whistles lowly. "Know much about cars?" He asks me. This is the first time we have interacted with one another since I've been employed. I haven't really noticed him before, other than when Glenn introduced me to everyone on my first day. He seems harmless; annoying and obnoxious, but mostly harmless.

        "If I didn't, I wouldn't be working in an auto shop, would I?" I tell him agitatedly.

        "Well, you could be the receptionist," I see him shrug from the corner of my eye as he gets closer to the vehicle.

        I stare at him as my face scrunches into a distasteful scowl, "Do I look like the fucking receptionist to you?" I snap.

        He looks me up and down, in what I hope— for his sake— is out of observation more than anything else, and tilts his head to the side. He takes in my messy, tied back hair, all the way down to my dark blue dungarees with one strap hanging loosely behind me and my now oil-covered, sandy brown hiker boots. "I suppose not, no," he mutters, almost subconciously.

        "I suggest next time you think before making stupid assumptions, pendejo."

        A light blush coats his somewhat tanned cheeks before he nods his head bashfully, his mop of hair falling over his eyes. He rubs his chest awkwardly, glancing away from me before muttering his goodbyes.

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