Part 28

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Daniel and Y/N are woken up by the twins jumping on them

D: Ouch
A/L: Sowwie daddy
D: Its okay princess, just be careful
A/L: I no mean it
D: I know princess.

Aimee-Leigh gets off the bed and walks back to her room. She is trailing her teddy behind her and is looking at the ground

Y/N: I'll go see to her
D: No babe, it's okay. It's my fault, I'll go to her

Daniel gets up and heads to Aimee-Leigh's room. He can hear her sobs through the door. This breaks his heart.

He knocks on the door.

D: Princess, can I come in?

Aimee-Leigh doesnt answer

Daniel walks in and sits beside her. He pulls her onto his lap.

D: I'm sorry princess, daddy is still sore and grumpy.
A/L: Mhmm
D: Will you forgive daddy?
A/L:*shakes head* No
D: Oh well in that case the tickle monster will have to come out

Daniel starts tickling Aimee-Leigh. At first she wasnt reacting but then she started to giggle.

A/L: S-s-stop daddy
D: Not until you forgive me
A/L: I-I F-forgive you

Daniel picks her up and starts leaving kisses all over her face.

A/L: Daddy! Stop it!
D: Nope! I love my little princess to much to stop.
A/L: I love you too daddy.
D: Good, shall we get you bathed and dressed?
A/L: Yes pwease.

Daniel goes to the bathroom and runs a bath. He puts in Aimee-Leigh's favourite bubbles.

D: Princess, bath is ready
A/L: Boooo! I'm behind you
D: Ahhhhh! You scared me!
A/L:*giggles* Bubbles!!!

Aimee-Leigh lifts her little arms up and Daniel takes off her pyjama top then her bottoms.

He lifts her into the bath.

Aimee-Leigh starts playing with some of the bath toys.

Daniel is sitting on the toilet seat watching her splashing and playing.

Y/N: Morning babies
D: Morning babe
A: Morning daddy
D:Morning lil man
A/L: Morning mommy! Daddy?
D: Yes princess
A/L: Can you wash my hair please? I wants to smell pwetty
D: Ofcourse baby

Daniel kneels down and starts pouring water of her hair.

He gets the shampoo and washes her hair.

He rinses the shampoo off with the shower head.

A/L: Thanks Daddy
D: Your welcome princess. Can daddy wash your bottom now?
A/L: Ofcourse daddy

Aimee-Leigh stands up and let's Daniel wash her bottom.

A/L: I do my toosh
D: *laughs* Ofcourse.

He hands her a clean sponge.

A/L: Thank you

She washes her toosh, then uses her special character cloth to wash her body.

A/L: Daddy, can you wash my back pwease?
D: Ofcourse princess

Daniel takes the cloth and washes her back

A/L: I weady to come out now

Daniel gets the towel and lifts her out wrapping the towel around her.

Aimee-Leigh runs off to Y/N to get dried and dressed.

D: Aaron, bath time
A: Coming daddy

Aaron runs to Daniel.

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