Part 23

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The Dr comes out the room.

Dr: Mrs Seavey?
Y/N: Yeah?
Dr: Your mom is stable for now but if it happens again we wont be able to save her.
Y/N: Okay, thank you
Dr: You can go in to see her

Y/N walks in and sits down beside her mom. She is holding her hand and rubbing her thumb over the top of her hand.

Y/N: I love you mom, thank you for trying to protect the kids. I just hope you wake up soon and we can all live a happy life again. I have a feeling that wont be possible 
D: Babe, dont say that. You have to think positive

Y/N leans into Daniel's chest and starts to cry.

She feels someone rubbing her hand

Mom: Baby?
Y/N: Mom!
Mom: Hey princess, congratulations on your pregnancy
Y/N: Thanks mom! I cant wait for you to meet them
Mom: Babygirl I dont think thats going to happen.
Y/N: What? No! I cant lose you for a 3rd time!
Mom: Darling please understand that I love you with all my heart and I'm glad you got to marry your childhood sweetheart. I will be watching down on you and the kids. Every time its sunny it's because I am beaming with pride. Every time it rains its because I'm crying tears of joy and happiness. I will always be there babygirl. Just remember that! I love you so much my angel. Please keep being the amazing mommy you are. My grandkids are so lucky to have you as a mommy.
Y/N: Mom! Please dont leave me. I love you mom
Mom: Babygirl can you please go check on your dad, I want to know before I leave

Y/N gets up and goes to check on her dads progress.

Mom: Daniel sweetie, please protect my babygirl at all costs and protect my grandchildren too. Thank you for making my daughter happy. Please I'm begging you dont hurt her and dont get angry when she pushes you away. I love you son. I am so proud of what you've achieved in life. I am so proud to call you my son-in-law. It has been an amazing pleasure meeting you.
D: Thank you momma! I love you too and thank you for creating my wonderful wife. I will protect her and the kids with my everything. Dont worry I'm not planning on leaving her ever! She is my world and my reason for being. Thank you again Momma for your amazing daughter.

Y/N walks back in the room upset

Y/N: Dad wont make it, we have 24 hours left until they turn off his life support. Why am I being tortured?!
Mom: Baby please your not being tortured your being given 2 angels to look over you and protect you. I am so so proud of you baby. I love you
Y/N: I love you too Mom!

Y/N leans down to hug her mom and give her a kiss on the cheek when her mums heart stops.


Daniel grabs Y/N and pulls her into his chest. He wraps his arms around her and is comforting her and trying to keep her calm.

Dr: Mrs Seavey?
Y/N: Yes
Dr: You need to come see your dad
Y/N: Why?
Dr: We are so sorry but the life support is struggling to keep your dad alive
Y/N: Okay

Y/N turns back to her mum

Y/N: I love you Mom! Thank you for everything. I will miss you my angel

Y/N gives her mom one last kiss goodbye.

She follows the Dr down to her dads bedside.

The Dr allows her time with her dad.

Y/N: Hey daddy! You will be going beside mom now! She just gained her wings. I cant believe I'm losing both of you again and on the same day. Life is cruel and a bitch! Thank you for protecting me and your grandkids. I'm so sorry you couldnt meet your 4 new grandchildren. They will be born in 7 months time. I'm going to be a mommy to 6 kids.
D: I'll be a daddy to 6, your dad would be so proud of you princess. He loved you so much. Thank you Y/D/N for helping create the best daughter ever, she is an amazing wife and mother. I cant thank you enough for creating this angel. I am forever grateful and thankful to you and Y/M/N. It was nice to get to know you in those short few weeks. Those weeks I will cherish forever. Love you Pops
Y/N: I love you daddy. Please look down on us all and protect us. I will miss you so much

Y/N leans down to hug her dad and give him a kiss

The Dr comes in now to turn off the machines

The Dr and nurses start turning off the machines.

Slowly Y/D/N heart beat stops.

Dr: I am truly sorry for your loss today Mrs Seavey. Your parents put up a great fight. I'm so sorry there wasnt much more I could do for them.
Y/N: Thank you, and thank you so much for what you have done. If its possible can I donate their organs please.
Dr: Your parents were already on the list.
Y/N: Oh good, I hope their organs changes someone's life. If the new owners want to meet me or talk to me, just give them my details.
Dr: I will do and thank you for offering to donate their organs. These organs will make a big difference to someones life.
Y/N: Thank you Dr.

Y/N and Daniel walk out hand in hand.

D: Baby, I am so sorry. You truly are remarkable. That was a noble and thoughtful thing you just done there. Always thinking of others. I am so proud of you and so proud to be your husband
Y/N: Thank you baby, please dont leave me or give up on me. I love you so much. Thank you for being my rock. You are always there when I need you. I am forever grateful for your love, kindness and support.
D: Aww baby, your gonna smudge my mascara! *laughs*
Y/N: *laughs* I always knew you wore makeup!
D: Oh your such a bitch!

Daniel pretends to flip his hair when he says that.

Y/N: Such a drama queen.
D: You know it girl!
Y/N: I love you goofball
D: I love you too princess

They get into the car and drive back to Daniel's parents house.

The twins run out to greet them.

K: Awww baby, I am so sorry. I cant believe they are gone.
Y/N: I know, for the 3rd time, I just dont understand why someone is torturing me.
Y/B/N: Hey sis
Y/N: Hey!

Y/N runs into his arms and breaks down crying.

Daniel takes the twins inside.

A/L: Why mommy sad?
D: Your Nona and papa are with the angels in the sky now
A: Why?
D: They were very sick and needed to go there to make them better.
A/L: Will they come back?
D: No babies they wont. They will be watching down on you from the sky and they will be with you forever in your heart

Daniel puts his hands on their chests, where their hearts are.

D: They will always he right there.
A/L: I love and miss Nona and Papa
A: Me too
D: They love and miss you both too.

Y/N and Y/B/N walk into the house as Daniel is explaining to the twins.

A/L: I love you mommy.
A: I love you mommy

They both run to Y/N and give her big hugs and kisses.

Y/N: I love the both of you so much. Nona and Papa love you and miss you both so much.
A/L: Tonight we see stars?
Y/N: Ofcourse baby, how about we get blankets and lie out the back looking for the brightest stars?
A: Yay!!
D: Sounds like a brilliant idea

They say goodbye to Keri and Jeff, they thank them for looking after the twins.

D: Thanks mom n dad for looking after the twins.
K: You are both very welcome.
J: You know we would do it anytime
K: We love you all so much.
Y/N: We love you both so much too
K: Bye sweeties
A/L: Bye Nana and Pops
A: Bye Pops and Nana
J: Bye babies

They get in the car and head home.

Y/N is staring out the window. She feels so numb, lifeless and confused.

Daniel puts his hand on hers and comforts her.

Y/N turns around and smiles weakly at Daniel. He returns the smile.

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