Part 13

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Dad: This may work.....
D: How?
Dad: You could explain to Jack who Y/N's dad is and maybe he can talk to his dad?
D: Jack doesnt speak to his dad often. His mom and dad separated when he was 1 years old.
Dad: Ohhh
Mom: Please Daniel, please try
D: Okay I will

Daniel phones Jack and explains the situation

D: Jack said he will phone his dad now. His dad wont risk losing contact with his granddaughter
Mom: Has everyone in your band had kids young?
D: No just Myself and Jack.
Mom: So tell us about the band?
D: We are a man band of 5, myself, Jack Avery, Jonah Marais, Zach Herron and Corbyn Besson.
Dad: As in Josh Herron being Zach's dad?
D: Yeah?
Dad: We used to go to school with Zach's dad!
D: No way! Small world.
Mom: Can we hear one of your songs?
D: Sure, we have just released a single called Taking you.

Daniel plays Taking you to Y/N's mom and dad.

Mom: Wow that is amazing son! Well done
D: Em thanks
Mom: I know your still angry with us and we dont blame you, but Daniel would you rather Y/N be killed or us fake our deaths to protect her?
D: I wouldnt want Y/N harmed in any way. If someone killed her I would end my life. My life means nothing if i can't have Y/N in it.
Y/N: But you had the twins baby
D: I know, they would be better with my mom n dad than a daddy who has gone to ruins.
Y/N: Awww babe, you are so sweet. I love you so much. I don't think I could cope if anything happened to you.
D: Love you too
Mom: What about our grandkids?
Y/N: Well they are twins, and they are now 3 years old. One girl and one boy
Dad: What's their names and can we see pictures?
D: Sure, but we are trying to keep them off social media.
Dad: We understand that.
D: Dont get me wrong we post pictures but not every day. It's more once a month sort of thing or once every 2 months.
Mom: Fair enough, can we post pictures?
Y/N: Only if you dont post every day or week and you ask us first.
Dad: Does Daniel's parents have the same rules?
D: Yes my family and our friends were all told the same. My dad is a very proud grandad so he asks us to post pictures before he does it.
Mom: Fair enough, we understand and respect that.
Y/N: You obviously can keep photos on your Phone's etc but make sure not to show strangers that ask as they could be the paparazzi or fans. The fans are crazy. They get information about our lives before we do.
Dad: Makes sense why you want to keep them off social media.
D: Yeah, also we want them to have a normal life like myself and Y/N had before I became famous.
Mom: Where are the twins now?
Y/N: Keri and Jeff have them for 3 nights, so Daniel could treat me to a break after getting engaged 2 days ago
Mom: Congratulations babygirl
Dad: When's the wedding?

Y/N looks at Daniel and he nods to her with a smile

Y/N: Its in about 2 months time.
Mom: We know we dont deserve to come to the wedding or be part of it.
Dad: We will however pay for it.
Y/N: You dont have to do that, we arent having a big fancy wedding, something small, intimate and not to costly
Mom: Wow, baby girl you deserve a castle style wedding.
D: She sure does but this is what she requested so I let her have what she wanted.
Dad: Thank you so much for taking care of her the way you do. I can tell you really love her.
D: I love her more than life itself. I would do anything for her.
Y/N: Here is some photos of the twins.

Y/N shows photos of the twins when they were born right upto this day.

Mom: They are gorgeous
Dad: What's their names?
Y/N: Aimee-Leigh Seavey and Aaron James Seavey
Mom: Awww you always wanted to call your daughter Aimee-Leigh
Y/N: I know, me and Daniel agreed I would name our daughter and he would name our son

Just as Y/N finishes that sentence Daniel's phone rings.... Its Jack!

After 5 minutes Daniel is off the phone.

D: Jack spoke to his dad and he said the feud is over, the gang no longer exists. Apparently he put a stop to it all when Sydnie and Jack where born
Mom: That doesn't guarantee that they wont come after us.
D: He said all the rest of the gang are in prison for life and he said if any trouble happens he will help you.
Dad: Thanks son, we can go back to LA
Mom: I cant wait to go back!
Y/N: Where will you stay?
Dad: We still have the house that you lived in.
Y/N: But Y/B/N said it had to be sold
Mom: What?!
D: Yeah he said that and that they were going to be homeless so they came to stay with my family
Dad: What the hell? I bought that house so that if anything happened my kids would have a home.
Mom: I'm gonna phone your brother right now!

She picks up her phone and dials Y/B/N

M: Hey!
Son: Yo! What's up?
M: Why did you tell your sister that the house was going up for sale and that you were both homeless?
S: Because I didnt want her staying with me anymore. I was fed up being the nice brother!
M: So that's why you stopped talking to her nearly 4 years ago, after lying to me saying you spoke to her every day?!
S: Yup!
M: What's this about your wife hating her?
S: Oh I told my wife that my sister was saying nasty things about her and she said I wasnt allowed communication if I wanted to be with her.
Dad: Y/B/N!!! How dare you!! You know what, you are no longer my son! Do not expect anything from us.
B: What?! You were the one who faked his death along with mom!
Dad: I done it to protect my baby girl
S: Yeah your precious baby girl!
Dad: Enough!
S: Yeah! I'm done with you all anyways!
M: Fine by us!

Y/N's mom hangs up the call

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