Part 25

28 2 0

*Skip 3 months*

Today is your 5 month scan.

You and Daniel drop the twins off at his mom n dads house.

A/L: Bye mommy, bye daddy
A: Bye daddy, bye mommy
Y/N: Bye babies, love you both
A/L: Love you too
A: Love you
D: Bye babies, love you both

The twins run in to get Tyler and Christian.

Y/N and Daniel drive to the hospital.

D: Are we going to find out what we are having?
Y/N: Its upto babe
D: Part of me wants to know and part of me wants it to be a surprise
Y/N: I'm feeling the exact same way.
D: I cant wait to see them all and see how they are doing.
Y/N: Yeah, today determines whether baby number 4 will make it or not
D: I know babe, I've been praying he/she does
Y/N: Let's make a deal....
D: Okay?
Y/N: If baby number 4 is going to make it, we find out what we are having. If baby number 4 wont survive then we wait till they are born?
D: Sounds like a good idea.
Y/N: We can still ask the nurse for the genders to be put in an envelope incase we decide later on to have a gender reveal party.
D: I like your thinking babe

They arrive at the hospital.

Y/N is sitting shaking her leg with nerves.

The nurse comes out and calls your name.

Y/N and Daniel head into the nurse's room.

N: Good Morning Mr and Mrs Seavey. My name is Rose.
Y/N: Morning
D: Morning

Daniel is sitting beside Y/N, she is holding onto his hand tightly. He is stroking her hand with his thumb.

N: I've read your notes and it says that today we find out how baby number 4 is keeping.
Y/N: Yeah thats correct
N: Before we go any further I need to inform you off a few options.
D: Okay, no problem
N: If baby number 4 wont survive once he/she is born, we do ask what the parents would like to happen
D: In what way?
N: If you would like to donate any organs, also if he/she has a chance of survival, do you want the baby in an incubator? Do you want to keep the baby alive and then further down the line find out the baby isnt doing well etc
Y/N: If our baby is born and dies just after being born, we would donate his/her organs if they are fully grown.
D:If our baby is born and has a higher chance of survival then yes we would want them put into incubators etc to be kept alive. I will pay what ever the cost is.
Y/N: If further down the line our baby starts to deteriorate we will then decide to remove him/her from the incubator etc that is keeping them alive.
D: We would rather spend time with our baby knowing that there is a high chance of survival than throw away a chance for them to grow.
N: That's fine, thank you.

The nurse writes down what has been asked. She has a recording machine which has recorded the answers so she can type it up later

N: Are we ready?
Y/N: Yeah

The nurse puts on the jelly and starts scanning around

She sees 2 babies so far. They are healthy and happy.

She is now looking for the other 2.

N: Do you know if the other 2 babies liked to hide?
D: Yes, the 3rd one hid a little but baby number 4 hid alot
N: Ahh here we go, baby number 3 is here. This baby is cheeky. Has their bum sticking out.
Y/N: Just like their daddy!
N: I'm having trouble locating baby number 4
Y/N: Oh O-okay
N: Can I ask you to go to the bathroom and empty your bladder please?
Y/N: Ofcourse

Y/N goes out the room to the toilet and comes back in.

She lays down again and the nurse puts on more jelly

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