Part 3

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The drive to the Seavey house seemed to take forever but that was because you were lost in thought.

D: What are you thinking about babe?
Y/N: How cruel life is
D: I know princess, you and your brother have had to deal with alot in your life. You are the strongest person I know.
Y/N: Thanks
D: Listen I have to say something.
Y/N: Okay?
D: If you dont want to be in a relationship at this moment in time, I understand. I will always be waiting for you
Y/N: What? No! I can't lose you too
D: You will never lose me.
Y/N: Then why did you say that?!
D: I know it will be hard for you being upset and me being lovey dovey to you.
K: Daniel as much as that is the most selfless thing, you need to understand that maybe you being like that is what Y/N needs.
D: True, I never thought of that.
Y/N: Forever and Always Daniel! I mean it now, yesterday and the next 80 years!
D: How do you know we will live till we are 95?
Y/N: With you by my side anything is possible
D: Awww princess

Daniel pulls Y/N into a tight hug. His tshirt starts to become wet with her tears.
Daniel strokes her hair and comforts her.

J: Right kids, that's us back
Y/N: Thank you
K: Its not a problem

They all get out the car and Y/N's brother pulls in behind them.

*Skip 3 weeks*

It's the day of Daniel's auditions.

Y/N: Are you ready?
D: No!
Y/N: Why not?
D: I'm scared.
Y/N: What off?
D: Not getting far, losing you in the process.
Y/N: I will be right beside you every step of the way.
D: Thanks babe, I love you
Y/N: I love you too, now let's get ready.

Daniel gets into the shower and is done as quickly as he got in.

Y/N goes in the shower and gets ready.

She comes out with her towel around her.

D: Hmmm baby how about something to calm my nerves?
Y/N: Like what?
D: you, me on the bed
Y/N: Wow Seavey! We need to leave soon
D: I'll be quick, I promise
Y/N: Then we will need to shower again
D: Uggghhh true
Y/N: How about later on?
D: Deal

Both of us are ready.

We will walk down the stairs.

K: Morning kids
D: Morning Mom
Y/N: Morning Keri
K: Are you ready for today? You'll do great.
Y/N: Yeah you will, you will blow them away!
D: Thanks guys

Everyone gets in the car and drives to the audition.

You all arrive, get his number etc and wait to be called
A: Mr Daniel Seavey?
D: Y-yes
A: Its your turn
D: Okay
Y/N: Listen babe, you can do this. You are an amazing singer! If they cant see that then they are stupid.
K: Go out and wow the crowd!
J: We know you can do it!
Y/B/N: Smash it bro!

Daniel walks in and starts singing. He is playing the guitar like a god and singing his heart out.

J1: Thank you
J2: Kid, you have potential. You are great at singing and playing the guitar but you need a bit more practice.
J3: I agree, maybe you could go back home and have some more practice and come back for the next audition
D: Thank you

Daniel walks off stage crying.

Y/N goes to hug him but he pushes her away

D: This is your fault
K: Come on now son thats unfair
D: No it's the truth, if she hadn't signed me up this wouldnt have happened
Y/N: I'm sorry, I thought you were amazing out there

Y/N runs away crying at Daniel's cruel words.

Y/B/N: Well done asshole
J: Son I know your disappointed but there was no need for that.

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