Part 14

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Y/N: Well that didnt go well.
Dad: I'm seriously pissed off!
Y/N: Why?
Mom: We gave him money to stop him telling the gang we were still alive. He bought his house with it.
D: He bought the house?
Dad: Yeah?
D: Just he said to us he was moving away for a new job and was renting an apartment. As in a bedroom only.
Mom: What?! I dont understand this kid.
Y/N: Hold on a minute.
Dad: What is it princess?
Y/N: What if he did move to the bed sit place but it was being shared with a son/daughter from one of the gang members?! They may have kidnapped him and dressed up as Y/B/N to make you believe its him?
Mom: She has a point. It would make perfect sense.
Dad: Would explain the behaviour changes and the attitude change.
Mom: I think we need to go to this bed sit place
Dad: Did you get his address?
Y/N: Yeah I did, its *address*
Dad: No it can't be!
Mom: What is it honey?
Dad: That's Phil's house.
Mom: What? As in Phil that you took over from?
Dad: Yes! It makes sense now.
Y/N: What's going on?
Dad: Daniel, get Y/N home asap and if any cars seem like they are following you, let me know!
D: What? Why?
Dad: It looks like Phil has Y/B/N and holding him hostage. He may be trying to get Y/N! He knows I would do anything for my little girl. When she was born I vowed to change and own up to what I did.
Y/N: Oh well! I dont care about me, as long as they dont go near the twins.
D: Its okay baby, we will get police presence around the house and I will call in our security.
Y/N: But babe, they work hard enough as it is.
D: I know but I can ask them.
Y/N: Okay, go ask and I'll pack.

There is a knock on the hotel room door.

Y/N's dad whispers for everyone to hide.

He walks over to the door and is greeted by Phil!

P: Well, well well
Dad: What do you want Phil?

Daniel sends Jacks dad a message about Phil. His dad replies he will be right over.

P: I came to get some payback.
Dad: What payback?
P: You see, when you left and changed your life around, you failed the one rule
Dad: Which was?
P: Never put family before business and handing yourself over to the police.
Dad: Okay, what do you want?
P: You're daughter, I know she is here.
Y/N: I'm here.
Dad: No! Get back!
Y/N: Dad it's okay, Daniel baby, look after them and be strong. I love you so much *winks*
D: No baby please dont do this, I need you in my life!
P: Oh shut up and hurry up!

Y/N walks to the door and as Phil goes to grab her, John hits him over the head and he falls to the ground.

Dad: How the?
D: I text John and we came up with this plan.
J: The police are right behind me
Dad: Thank you so much John! I'm so grateful for your help
J: I have 2 daughters and a son, I would do anything to protect them. I know why you done it and I would have done the same. I am doing my part now as I also have a grandchild.
Mom: Thank you so much.

The police officer comes down the hall and takes Phil's body in handcuffs

P/O: Thank you for detaining the criminal.
Mom: Where is my son?
Y/B/N: I'm here mom!
Y/N: Y/B/N!!!!
Y/B/N: Hey sis! Your looking well, you need to tell me about the twins.
Y/N: I will do
P/O: We have Phil's son and daughter in law. Also Thank you to John for naming all the gang members. They wont be seeing daylight or freedom any time soon.
Dad: Omg, I'm so so thankful to yourself and to John
J: Your welcome, I'm a undercover police officer now
Dad: Wow, really?
J: Yeah I changed my life around for the better.
Dad: That's good to hear. I'm doing prison security now. I love it as I can relate to the inmate's and it helps a bit
J: I'm glad your doing the right thing still and wish you the best of luck.
Dad: Thanks, I'm going back to LA to spend time with my family and catch up on lost time. Also thank you again.
J: Not a problem, if there is any issues just phone me or message me.
Dad: Will do.

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